Giving as a Way of Life
If you are a subscriber to the LO Review, please take a moment to find the education section; they regularly print a feature called Students Speak and quite often come around hoping to speak with students about a pre-selected topic. For the most part the questions the students are asked are rather frivolous. This time, however, when the reporter spoke with our 7th and 8th graders she inquired as to their philanthropic efforts. I surreptitiously eavesdropped, and experienced once more the kind of pride that only children speaking from the heart can provide. The kids didn't blink; their thoughts and plans rolled right out. I was impressed not only by the fact that each of them had at least one major initiative or project to speak cogently about, but also by the range they represented. And this was a random sampling of our students. If you've seen the over-stuffed bins of coats gracing our front entry at Smith -- the results of our Student Council's effort to make a difference for kids in need -- then you know this is not an isolated incident. For our kids, giving is an important aspect of life in the broader world. I am thankful to work with a faculty focused on bringing them exposure to the ethic of selfless giving, and to work alongside a parent community raising a group of kids who don't flinch when asked "What are you doing to make a difference this season?"
Upcoming events:
1st Grade and Kinder to Tears of Joy
9:00 AM - 10:45 PM GS - 7 & 8 Gr. FT - RHS (Shakespeare)
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM District Athletic Committee Meeting
2:00 PM - Rockets Away!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- December 3, 2009
Book Fair Next Week!
In the library here at Smith we will be hosting once again the Scholastic Book Fair, which helps us, among other things, stock our library with high-quality literature.
K-4 Music Performance
Please join us on Thursday December 10th at 7pm for the Winter Concert, held this year at Riverdale High School. Parking is limited, but we have additional room for parking thanks to the two churches nearby. I have been dropping in on music classes and can attest to the quality of the pieces!
Coat Drive (& Lost n' Found)
On Wednesday the 16th of December the Student Council will be delivering the "bounty" of our coat drive to x Elementary School. Before leaving we will check the lost and found for names in coats, and then will be donating any coats left over along with the donations.
Please check the lost and found by Tuesday the 15th!
Upcoming events:
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM HS 8th Grade Visit
9:30 AM - 11:00 PM GS - 4th Gr. FT - Narnia (NW Children's Theatre)
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM GS - (@ HS) Gr. K-4 Winter Concert - HS Gym
In the library here at Smith we will be hosting once again the Scholastic Book Fair, which helps us, among other things, stock our library with high-quality literature.
K-4 Music Performance
Please join us on Thursday December 10th at 7pm for the Winter Concert, held this year at Riverdale High School. Parking is limited, but we have additional room for parking thanks to the two churches nearby. I have been dropping in on music classes and can attest to the quality of the pieces!
Coat Drive (& Lost n' Found)
On Wednesday the 16th of December the Student Council will be delivering the "bounty" of our coat drive to x Elementary School. Before leaving we will check the lost and found for names in coats, and then will be donating any coats left over along with the donations.
Please check the lost and found by Tuesday the 15th!
Upcoming events:
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM HS 8th Grade Visit
9:30 AM - 11:00 PM GS - 4th Gr. FT - Narnia (NW Children's Theatre)
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM GS - (@ HS) Gr. K-4 Winter Concert - HS Gym
Monday, November 23, 2009
Principal's Newsletter November 23, 2009
Everyday we are thankful to be working in your community, with your children. We are thankful that you entrust their learning to us, and for the learning we achieve through them.
Winter Sports Edition
I do want to take a moment to clarify a few details about the upcoming winter sports schedule.
Communication around the beginning of a sport season has not been our high water mark in my two years and I take full responsibility for it. Please know we are working to improve this facet of our communications.
The gym at Smith, as many know, is less than ideal. Thus, we will schedule games at the high school when the Mavericks are away and at other teams' facilities. Some will still be held at Smith.
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Everyday we are thankful to be working in your community, with your children. We are thankful that you entrust their learning to us, and for the learning we achieve through them.
Winter Sports Edition
I do want to take a moment to clarify a few details about the upcoming winter sports schedule.
Communication around the beginning of a sport season has not been our high water mark in my two years and I take full responsibility for it. Please know we are working to improve this facet of our communications.
The gym at Smith, as many know, is less than ideal. Thus, we will schedule games at the high school when the Mavericks are away and at other teams' facilities. Some will still be held at Smith.
Girls Basketball
- All 6th grade girls are welcome to join the 7/8 girls in their season. Because of relatively low participation there will be no stand-alone 6th grade girls team later in the Winter.
- Practices will be held at Smith after school @ 3:30 (2:30 on Wednesday).
Boys Basketball
- The practices (through 12/17) will be held at Smith after the girls practices, starting at 5:00 (4:00 Wednesdays). The post 12/17 practice schedule will be posted on 12/1.
- Players will likely have the chance to stay between dismissal and practice in a study hall.
- A stand-alone 6th grade boys team will begin its practice season on January 25th.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- November 13, 2009

Here is a photo -- not a Brian Black quality shot, taken with my phone -- of what we will see next year when we climb the central stairs to the main second floor landing. We are looking at the library, and at the river and Mt. Hood beyond. Thursday was the first time I was able to get up to the second floor, and I took advantage of the opportunity. It's very thrilling to be planning the learning spaces we'll be inhabiting next Fall. At the same time, we are all too cognizant of the challenge the students and teachers of Marysville Elementary in Portland face. On Monday, they will be moved to a new location. We had a summer to pull this off, and it was by an admittedly narrow margin at that. They have five days. Our student council is putting together a program to assist them collect supplies and materials by this next Friday. A collection box will be on site all week.
Nearly as exciting is the arrival of our first band and choral concert, to be held this coming Thursday evening at 7:00 at Riverdale High School. Each of our concerts will be held at the high school this year, and Mrs. Scholz and the 6-8 students have been practicing intently to prepare! I was just treated to a preview of the 6th grade choir, and can personally attest that it will be a wonderful evening.
Next week, we'll try to put a meaningful cap on an incredibly whirlwind first trimester.
Upcoming events:
9:00 AM GS PTC Meeting @ Smith
9:15 AM - 11:30 AM GS - 2nd Gr. FT - Winningstad Theater
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM GS - Winter Sports Info Night (Parents) - Library
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM GS - Kinder FT - Langelers House
7:00 PM - 6-8 band and choral concert @ RGS gym
End of First Trimester
2:45 - 3:10 PM Fall Sports Assembly - Gym
Friday, November 6, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- November 6, 2009
There are time when I find myself focusing on the administrative side of this work -- dealing with budgetary concerns and the like. And then there are other times, when I'm reminded of the substance of our work -- helping students develop themselves as people, as learners, and as part of a larger community.
One of the elements of our school that I am quick to share with parents and students touring with an eye to join us is the benefit of being a K-8 school. To be sure, our structure makes scheduling difficult at times. But relative to the opportunities provided by the availability of having middle schoolers mentor primary students in how to produce an effective presentation and communicate important ideas, any limitations quickly fall away.
Below I've copied in powerpoint presentations developed by two teams of students -- one from the 7th grade and another from the 2nd. Lisa Becker had the kids working together as she often does, and they created fantastic products. (In one case, two siblings chose to work together; the other is a meta-presentation, a "how-to" lesson in creating powerpoints.)
It's important for me to pause occasionally to celebrate the thinking and learning going on every day in our school. I hope you will join me in doing just that while viewing these projects.
Upcoming events:
All day event Holiday - Veterans' Day (Schools and District Offices Closed)
One of the elements of our school that I am quick to share with parents and students touring with an eye to join us is the benefit of being a K-8 school. To be sure, our structure makes scheduling difficult at times. But relative to the opportunities provided by the availability of having middle schoolers mentor primary students in how to produce an effective presentation and communicate important ideas, any limitations quickly fall away.
Below I've copied in powerpoint presentations developed by two teams of students -- one from the 7th grade and another from the 2nd. Lisa Becker had the kids working together as she often does, and they created fantastic products. (In one case, two siblings chose to work together; the other is a meta-presentation, a "how-to" lesson in creating powerpoints.)
It's important for me to pause occasionally to celebrate the thinking and learning going on every day in our school. I hope you will join me in doing just that while viewing these projects.
Upcoming events:
All day event Holiday - Veterans' Day (Schools and District Offices Closed)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Division I Championsip vs Catlin Gable Monday Night!
Come cheer on our boys at 6:30 -- Catlin Gable campus.
Principal's Newsletter -- October 30, 2009
I would like to highlight that the Riverdale Foundation is kicking off this year's campaign. I am only now adjusting to the incredible levels of support the children at our school are provided, and much of this support comes directly from the Foundation and our PTCs. One truly exceptional aspect of this community -- and there are many -- is that a good percentage of donors to the Riverdale Foundation no longer have children in our schools. Of course, parents contribute generously -- this year's goal is 100% parent participation.
Steve Klein, Foundation President, writes:
There are only two items on this week's "upcoming events" calendar and both bear mention here as well. On Wednesday at 1:00 (just after lunch) we will be honoring all of our Fall athletes -- especially the 8th graders -- at an awards assembly held in the gym. And, in case you have not yet heard...the Division I boys' team is headed to the championship game this Monday evening at Catlin Gable. Please turn out to support the guys; they've worked incredibly hard to make it this far. So, too, have their coaches, Nels and Gavin. Congratulations!
Friday's Parade
It was refreshingly pleasant to see a Riverdale tradition like the Halloween Parade come off without a hitch at Smith. Many thanks to Ms. Brounstein and student council for organizing the event.
Halloween Help
Many of the athletes at Lewis & Clark volunteered to assist in efforts to ensure safety for our kids as they trick-or-treat this year. On Saturday night, please be sure to thank the "Pumpkin Patrol" volunteers wearing bright orange shirts and assisting with traffic, etc. down in the Riverwood area.
Bus Notes
Please remember to send your student with a note on days when they will be riding home with a friend or taking another bus. Calling the office to let us know is very helpful as well. Bus-hopping is contributing to overcrowding on at least one of the routes and with Fall athletics wrapping up we want to watch this.
Daylight Savings this weekend!
Upcoming events:
1:10 PM GS Fall Sports Assembly
Steve Klein, Foundation President, writes:
The Riverdale School District Foundation has offered integral support for our outstanding students since 1993. Over the last few years, generous and sustained giving--in combination with the School Board’s sound fiscal management and long term planning--has allowed us to rebuild a contingency reserve and provide much-needed financial stability. At a time when virtually every school district in the state has cut programs, Riverdale continues to offer: personalized instruction with low student/teacher ratios, art, choir, band, second languages, library/media, computer labs and P. E. These programs have endured thanks to the $10 million in contributions community members have given through the Riverdale Foundation.The mission of the Riverdale School District Foundation is to cultivate and ensure educational excellence. Your children and their teachers benefit from a superlative level of support toward those aims, and the results can be linked directly.
There are only two items on this week's "upcoming events" calendar and both bear mention here as well. On Wednesday at 1:00 (just after lunch) we will be honoring all of our Fall athletes -- especially the 8th graders -- at an awards assembly held in the gym. And, in case you have not yet heard...the Division I boys' team is headed to the championship game this Monday evening at Catlin Gable. Please turn out to support the guys; they've worked incredibly hard to make it this far. So, too, have their coaches, Nels and Gavin. Congratulations!
Friday's Parade
It was refreshingly pleasant to see a Riverdale tradition like the Halloween Parade come off without a hitch at Smith. Many thanks to Ms. Brounstein and student council for organizing the event.
Halloween Help
Many of the athletes at Lewis & Clark volunteered to assist in efforts to ensure safety for our kids as they trick-or-treat this year. On Saturday night, please be sure to thank the "Pumpkin Patrol" volunteers wearing bright orange shirts and assisting with traffic, etc. down in the Riverwood area.
Bus Notes
Please remember to send your student with a note on days when they will be riding home with a friend or taking another bus. Calling the office to let us know is very helpful as well. Bus-hopping is contributing to overcrowding on at least one of the routes and with Fall athletics wrapping up we want to watch this.
Daylight Savings this weekend!
Upcoming events:
1:10 PM GS Fall Sports Assembly
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- October 23, 2009
Congratulations to our athletes!
Both the boys' Division I team and the girls' soccer teams are eligible for the playoffs again this year. For this next week this means that:
Halloween Parade News
The Halloween Parade tradition continues. At 2:00 students will have a chance to change into costume for a 2:15 kick-off time for the parade.
The route begins at Mr. Sternberg's 2nd grade room, snaking around the primary pod, up the stairs, and through the main hall, picking classes up as it moves along. It then moves outside, returning through the big double doors near the cafeteria. At that point the primary kids return to their classrooms on the left, and everybody else returns to their classroom on the right. Depending on weather, the best place to view will be outside on the playground.
Please help us by reminding students of these guidelines for costumes:
Upcoming events:
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM GS - 3rd & 6th Gr FT - Tryon Creek State Park
8:40 AM - 9:40 AM GS - 2nd Gr. MAD Science: Decomposers - Rm. 38
10:05 AM - 11:05 AM GS - 2nd Gr. MAD Science: Decomposers - Rm. 34
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer Playoffs Semifinals (RGS -- Opponent TBA)
4:15 PM GS Girls' Soccer @ OES* (or Monday)
9:00 AM District Athletic Committee Mtg @ HS
2:15 PM Halloween Parade @ Smith
* either/or, not both
Both the boys' Division I team and the girls' soccer teams are eligible for the playoffs again this year. For this next week this means that:
- Our Division I Boy's Soccer will be hosting a semi-final game at the RGS field (Breyman Ave.) at 4:15 pm on TH 10/29 (they'll leave class at 3:10).
- Our Girl's Soccer team will either: (1) travel to OES Mon., depart at 2:30 p.m. (released from class at 2:20), to play a 3:30 against their Green team
-or- - (2) host OES Blue at 4:15 p.m. (release at 3:10) for RGS field (Breyman Ave.)
Halloween Parade News
The Halloween Parade tradition continues. At 2:00 students will have a chance to change into costume for a 2:15 kick-off time for the parade.
The route begins at Mr. Sternberg's 2nd grade room, snaking around the primary pod, up the stairs, and through the main hall, picking classes up as it moves along. It then moves outside, returning through the big double doors near the cafeteria. At that point the primary kids return to their classrooms on the left, and everybody else returns to their classroom on the right. Depending on weather, the best place to view will be outside on the playground.
Please help us by reminding students of these guidelines for costumes:
- Save gory and revealing costumes for another venue please!
- Weapons, even fake ones, are not appropriate.
Upcoming events:
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM GS - 3rd & 6th Gr FT - Tryon Creek State Park
8:40 AM - 9:40 AM GS - 2nd Gr. MAD Science: Decomposers - Rm. 38
10:05 AM - 11:05 AM GS - 2nd Gr. MAD Science: Decomposers - Rm. 34
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer Playoffs Semifinals (RGS -- Opponent TBA)
4:15 PM GS Girls' Soccer @ OES* (or Monday)
9:00 AM District Athletic Committee Mtg @ HS
2:15 PM Halloween Parade @ Smith
* either/or, not both
Friday, October 16, 2009
Upcoming Events for the week of 10/19
Thank you for your help in making conferences run rather seamlessly. A particular thank you to the parents who spoiled us with meal after meal these two days!
Upcoming events:
4:15 PM GS Girl's Soccer (home) v Meadowglade
4:50 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (away) v OES
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (home) v Portland Adventist
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (away) v Meadowglade
4:15 PM GS Girl's Soccer (home) v Catlin Gabel Blue
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (HS) Raising Our Daughters Presentation (RHS Mav. Rm.)
Upcoming events:
4:15 PM GS Girl's Soccer (home) v Meadowglade
4:50 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (away) v OES
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (home) v Portland Adventist
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (away) v Meadowglade
4:15 PM GS Girl's Soccer (home) v Catlin Gabel Blue
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (HS) Raising Our Daughters Presentation (RHS Mav. Rm.)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- October 9, 2009

Just a few notes this time around.
I'd like to introduce the newest member(s) of the Riverdale Grade School family!
Evan Charuhas was born early on Monday morning. In the picture he's holding up four fingers -- perhaps for the four more years until he's in kindergarten here? Karen Roney will be replacing Leslie whilst she is otherwise occupied. She has a wealth of pe experience and comes highly recommended. We couldn't be happier to have found her!
Conferences are coming, next Thursday and Friday.
Parent-teacher conferences are a great way to connect and discuss your child's learning. However, our format at grades 5-8 does not lend itself to long and meaningful conversations. Please help us by limiting conversations with any one particular teacher to less than ten minutes. This can be difficult to remember, but, at the end of the day, when one conversation goes over time, another parent is frustrated with less teacher contact time. Any serious concerns requiring more in-depth focus should take place in a separately scheduled meeting.
Update on Air Quality
Portland Public Schools performed air quality testing in and around the classrooms in which we found mold enclosed in walls. The mold was removed safely and disposed of by an abatement contractor. The testing results demonstrate that -- both before and after the abatement -- the air quality inside the school was superior to that outside. Obviously, this was a huge relief to us. We will continue to verify that mold is not in the walls, following the same procedures. Simultaneously, the root cause of this issue -- a failing (flat) roof -- will be fixed by PPS-hired contractors. You will not see drywall and insulation go up prior to the effective remediation of the roof problem. I really appreciate the trust families put in our dedication to maintaining a safe learning environment.
Upcoming events:
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM GS Picture Retakes
3:30 PM GS Girls' Soccer (away) v OES Blue
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (home) v Portland Adventist
8:45 AM - 12:30 PM GS - Kinder FT - Sauvie Island Pumpkin Patch
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM GS - 3rd Gr. FT - Hoyt Arboretum
4:15 PM GS Div II Boy's Soccer game (home) v OES
No School -- Conferences
4:00 PM GS - 6/7/8 Girls VB vs. Rivergate @ Home
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (away) v Corbett
5:15 PM GS 6/7/8 Gr. Girls' VB (away) vs Good Shepherd
No School -- Conferences
Friday, October 2, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- October 2, 2009

The Value of a Deep and Enriching Science Curriculum This week I witnessed one of those wonderful moments that give shape to the Riverdale experience. Sixth graders were busily huddled over large pieces of paper -- drawing, labeling, and debating the appropriate analogy for mitochondria and vacuoles. The assignment was to develop and articulate a metaphor to describe the make-up of a typical cell. Three days later I watched seventh graders involved in a similar exercise, with slightly less teacher scaffolding, creating physical manifestations of cell parts. Watching the levels of engagement in these two related activities reinforced for me the value of the kind of hands-on, inquiry based, scientific exploration that is the hallmark of our science instruction.
And all of this after returning last week from the 23rd (at least) annual 5th Grade Field Study to St. Helens. (For parents who remember this trip, I'm sure you will agree that it is an incredible learning opportunity for our budding geologists. For those who have yet to experience it, the wait is well worth it. Mr. Nebert and Mrs. Reece put together an incredible trip and put out an exhaustive amount of energy in the process!) For some incredible photos -- taken by Brian Black -- click here.
It almost goes without saying that 100% of our 8th graders last year met or exceeded State expectations on the OAKS assessment. Almost.
This year provides us with an opportunity to improve upon an already excellent curriculum. Each year the State cycles a curricular area for review -- this year's area is science. Faculty members will be attending a "caravan" of approved instructional materials with me in November and developing a road-map for our adoption process. We will be seeking parent input in this effort as well -- stay tuned. The beauty of our materials adoption philosophy is that it puts the focus on adaptive, flexible use of materials to meet the needs of learners in a variety of modalities. We have traditional textbooks, but they certainly are not the only drivers of student learning. I am thrilled that we are sending faculty to State and national professional conferences around current best practices in science education. Three faculty will be attending an Oregon Science Teachers Association (OSTA) conference this Fall, and three more will be attending the NSTA conference as well. The investment in our teaching faculty pays off in myriad ways. Research tells us that the most critical element in a child's education is exposure to excellent teachers. I'm so blessed to work in a community dedicated to providing its children with just that.
Homecoming Tonight
The first 50 RGS students at tonight's homecoming football game get a free treat from the concession stand. An athletic competition for students in grades 4-6 will be at half-time. K-3 students get to hold the homecoming banners. Go Mavericks!
Health Update
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to families and teachers for starting out the year with an eye toward maintaining a healthy learning environment for our children. Families have been fantastic about reporting illnesses and symptoms to the office, as well as in keeping children home until they are symptom free for 24 hours! On the school side, we have distributed a great deal of hand sanitizer to classrooms, and teachers -- especially primary teachers -- have explicitly spoken with their classes about the appropriate use of hand sanitizer, lest it wind up in a mouth. As well, we installed touch-less foaming sanitizer stations at the entrance to the cafeteria and where primary students return to the building from recess. More are on order for middle school re-entry points. All in all, we are doing everything we can to promote healthy habits, especially emphasizing the importance of hand-washing.
Athletics Update from Athletic Director Lori Peterson
Girls' VB started off with a SMASH HIT! The Lady Falcons beat both Portland Waldorf and City Christian to begin the '09 campaign. The competition has stiffened since. Open Door, Damascus and Country Christian have handed the team three straight match losses. Next week will offer the volleyball athletes an opportunity to redeem themselves at Portland Lutheran on Monday, 10/5 and NCCS on Tues., 10/6.
The Div I boys' soccer team is undefeated at this point in the season. They have dominated play against Catlin Gabel in a preseason contest as well as league play. The upcoming week we'll host a Tues. on Oct. 6th (late start after the girls' game) and TH game at the Riverdale Grade School field. Div II boys' soccer has three wins with one tie to date. This team is playing well together and reflects the depth of RIVERDALE SOCCER. Next week Wed., 10/7 these athletes will be competing on a fantastic turf venue at 53rd Avenue Park in Hillsboro under the lights against Faith Bible (6:30 p.m. start).
Finally, the girls' soccer team began the season beating Catlin at their field during preseason play. They have come up against two really strong teams at the start of league play in Kingsway and Tualatin Valley Junior Academy. The Falcons lost both games. Next week, they'll continue to gain aggressiveness defensively as they host Meadowglade on Oct. 6that RGS field (start time 4:00 p.m.) and travel to OES on Oct. 8th for a 3:30 game against the Green team.
Upcoming events:Monday Tuesday
4:00 PM GS 6/7/8 Gr. Girls' VB (away) vs NCCS 4:00 PM GS Girl's Soccer (home) v Meadowglade 5:20 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (home) v Trinity Lutheran
6:30 PM GS Div II Boy's Soccer (away) v Faith Bible
8:40 AM - 3:30 PM GS - 4th Gr. FT - Bull Run Reservoir 3:30 PM GS Girls' Soccer (away) v OES Green 4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer (home) v Tualatin Valley Junior Academy
K-12 Half Day for Students -- AM only: dismissal at 12:05
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- September 18, 2009
Riverdale Athletes Off to a Roaring Start
Three Falcon teams led off their respective seasons with dramatic wins this week. On Monday evening the girls' soccer team upset rival Catlin Gabel in a pre-season opener that saw keeper Corey Linver make a huge save to avoid a tie in the final minutes. On Thursday afternoon the volleyball team was against the proverbial ropes, having lost the first game in a best-of-three format and down 1-19 in the second. They came back to win the second game behind the serve of Maddie Cameron and won the third game to put away the match. Also Thursday, the boys' Division II team was locked in a tie with a minute to go when Amir Sanaee scored for a dramatic win. Our athletic philosophy places at least as much emphasis on the ethics of sportsmanship and teamwork as on winning, but it is wonderful to see the athletes experience success so early on!
Librarian Lisa Becker has developed a program of study for students at grades 3-6 around developing research questions, using the OSLIS framework for developing meaningful "essential questions." She's worked with teachers at each of these grade levels (and younger students, too, though on a less formal basis) to utilize this consistent framework. This has exciting implications for our students as inquirers, and will prove to be a helpful resource for parents as well. If you've not seen her excellent resource page in a while, it's worth a look.
Karen and Betsy are still collecting the various forms, fees, and -- most importantly -- emergency release forms. The deadline was last Friday, but there are still a large number outstanding. Please help us by turning any forms in to the office during this next week!
Parent Internet Safety Night
This program is designed for parents of students in grades 5-12. Both schools' principals and school counselors will be on hand to begin important discussions about the role of schools and family in monitoring appropriate Internet use, sharing take-home tips about Facebook privacy, and seeking feedback about potential future events. Please join us for snacks ahead of time, graciously provided by the PTCs. Tuesday evening, September 22nd, 7-8 pm (Riverdale High School, Maverick Room).
Upcoming events:
5th Gr Field Study to Mt. St. Helen's
4:15 PM GS Div II Boy's Soccer game (home) v OES
7:00 PM Internet Safety Night for GS/HS Parents @ RHS
4:15 PM GS Div II Boy's Soccer (away) v Life Christian
4:00 PM GS 6/7/8 Gr. Girls' VB (away) vs Open Door
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM GS - 3rd Gr. FT - Magness Tree Farm
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM GS - Student Council Speeches - Gym
Three Falcon teams led off their respective seasons with dramatic wins this week. On Monday evening the girls' soccer team upset rival Catlin Gabel in a pre-season opener that saw keeper Corey Linver make a huge save to avoid a tie in the final minutes. On Thursday afternoon the volleyball team was against the proverbial ropes, having lost the first game in a best-of-three format and down 1-19 in the second. They came back to win the second game behind the serve of Maddie Cameron and won the third game to put away the match. Also Thursday, the boys' Division II team was locked in a tie with a minute to go when Amir Sanaee scored for a dramatic win. Our athletic philosophy places at least as much emphasis on the ethics of sportsmanship and teamwork as on winning, but it is wonderful to see the athletes experience success so early on!
Librarian Lisa Becker has developed a program of study for students at grades 3-6 around developing research questions, using the OSLIS framework for developing meaningful "essential questions." She's worked with teachers at each of these grade levels (and younger students, too, though on a less formal basis) to utilize this consistent framework. This has exciting implications for our students as inquirers, and will prove to be a helpful resource for parents as well. If you've not seen her excellent resource page in a while, it's worth a look.
Karen and Betsy are still collecting the various forms, fees, and -- most importantly -- emergency release forms. The deadline was last Friday, but there are still a large number outstanding. Please help us by turning any forms in to the office during this next week!
Parent Internet Safety Night
This program is designed for parents of students in grades 5-12. Both schools' principals and school counselors will be on hand to begin important discussions about the role of schools and family in monitoring appropriate Internet use, sharing take-home tips about Facebook privacy, and seeking feedback about potential future events. Please join us for snacks ahead of time, graciously provided by the PTCs. Tuesday evening, September 22nd, 7-8 pm (Riverdale High School, Maverick Room).
Upcoming events:
5th Gr Field Study to Mt. St. Helen's
4:15 PM GS Div II Boy's Soccer game (home) v OES
7:00 PM Internet Safety Night for GS/HS Parents @ RHS
4:15 PM GS Div II Boy's Soccer (away) v Life Christian
4:00 PM GS 6/7/8 Gr. Girls' VB (away) vs Open Door
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM GS - 3rd Gr. FT - Magness Tree Farm
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM GS - Student Council Speeches - Gym
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- September 11, 2009
I remember very clearly this day eight years ago. One of my colleagues' father was on board one of the planes, and my school was absolutely devastated, as was the country. Seeing the flags at half staff today is a stark reminder of how grateful we are to be working and learning where we are.
We're almost there. Thank you for the tremendous amount of patience you've granted us.
We have a change to announce that will remove the pressure from our most impacted buses. Beginning Tuesday the 15th we will be adding a fifth bus: #80. It will start at 11505 SW Breyman, relieve the largest stop from bus #81 -- Aventine Circus -- and finish with the RHS stop. On Monday we will attempt to personally reach anyone affected by these particular changes. Additionally, some final tweaks in the chronology of the routes will be posted simultaneously. When they are up on Monday I will send out another email with a link.
Back to School Night
On Tuesday night we would like to welcome all parents to join the faculty at Smith for our Back to School programs. As usual, we will separate the k-4 and 5-8 programs to allow for families with siblings in different levels to attend both. (Unfortunately, if you have two students within one of the ranges, "divide-and-conquer" is the best option.) One aspect of this year's event that will differ from years past is that we will not be inviting all parents into the gym for a brief introduction to the year. Our gym is smaller and won't accommodate such a large audience. Additionally, because of parking restraints, we are hopeful that avoiding the overlap will ameliorate neighborhood concerns about our impact.
Some reminders:
Sally Foster & SCRIP
The Sally Foster purchasing window is upon us -- September 9-25th! Please support our incredible PTC by purchasing wrapping paper. You can never have too much, and delivery will be nice and early -- October 20th.
SCRIP is another incredible way to help the PTCs of both schools. Look out for information about SCRIP as well.
Dress Code
We only have a few weeks of nice weather left, but during that time please help us by reminding students of our dress code.
Parent Internet Safety Night
Increasingly, parents are looking for help in understanding and dealing with the challenges posed by more and more ubiquitous access to the Internet. This program is designed for parents of students in grades 5-12. We will be sharing best practices, discussing the role of schools, and informing parents about children and two of the most critical platforms: social networking and gaming. Tuesday evening, September 22nd, 7-8 pm (Riverdale High School, Maverick Room).
Upcoming events:
4:15 PM GS Girls' Preseason Soccer (away) v Catlin Gabel
6:00 PM School Board Meeting @ RHS library
6:30 PM Back to School Night for K-4 parents
7:15 PM Back to School Night for 5-8 parents
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Preseason Soccer (away) v Horizon Christian
4:00 PM GS 6/7/8 Gr. Girls' VB (away) vs Portland Waldorf
4:15 PM GS Div II Boy's Preseason Soccer (home) v Gilkey
We're almost there. Thank you for the tremendous amount of patience you've granted us.
We have a change to announce that will remove the pressure from our most impacted buses. Beginning Tuesday the 15th we will be adding a fifth bus: #80. It will start at 11505 SW Breyman, relieve the largest stop from bus #81 -- Aventine Circus -- and finish with the RHS stop. On Monday we will attempt to personally reach anyone affected by these particular changes. Additionally, some final tweaks in the chronology of the routes will be posted simultaneously. When they are up on Monday I will send out another email with a link.
Back to School Night
On Tuesday night we would like to welcome all parents to join the faculty at Smith for our Back to School programs. As usual, we will separate the k-4 and 5-8 programs to allow for families with siblings in different levels to attend both. (Unfortunately, if you have two students within one of the ranges, "divide-and-conquer" is the best option.) One aspect of this year's event that will differ from years past is that we will not be inviting all parents into the gym for a brief introduction to the year. Our gym is smaller and won't accommodate such a large audience. Additionally, because of parking restraints, we are hopeful that avoiding the overlap will ameliorate neighborhood concerns about our impact.
Some reminders:
- Primary (K-4) Programs -- 6:30-7:10
- Upper (5-8) Programs -- 7:20-8:00
- Children are not invited to Back to School Night
- Nancy Helmsworth and Molly Scholz have easily locatable classrooms this year, on the main hall. They will be in their rooms. Other specialists will be in the library area, between about 7:00-7:30.
- These programs are informational in nature, and not designed to be conference opportunities.
- Please remember to stop at the Foundation booth, which will be set up in the entry! Normally, we would invite Foundation President Steve Klein to speak with parents. The Foundation is a critical partner in our mission to provide the best possible education to our kids.
Sally Foster & SCRIP
The Sally Foster purchasing window is upon us -- September 9-25th! Please support our incredible PTC by purchasing wrapping paper. You can never have too much, and delivery will be nice and early -- October 20th.
SCRIP is another incredible way to help the PTCs of both schools. Look out for information about SCRIP as well.
Dress Code
We only have a few weeks of nice weather left, but during that time please help us by reminding students of our dress code.
Parent Internet Safety Night
Increasingly, parents are looking for help in understanding and dealing with the challenges posed by more and more ubiquitous access to the Internet. This program is designed for parents of students in grades 5-12. We will be sharing best practices, discussing the role of schools, and informing parents about children and two of the most critical platforms: social networking and gaming. Tuesday evening, September 22nd, 7-8 pm (Riverdale High School, Maverick Room).
Upcoming events:
4:15 PM GS Girls' Preseason Soccer (away) v Catlin Gabel
6:00 PM School Board Meeting @ RHS library
6:30 PM Back to School Night for K-4 parents
7:15 PM Back to School Night for 5-8 parents
4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Preseason Soccer (away) v Horizon Christian
4:00 PM GS 6/7/8 Gr. Girls' VB (away) vs Portland Waldorf
4:15 PM GS Div II Boy's Preseason Soccer (home) v Gilkey
back to school night,
dress code,
internet safety night,
sally foster,
Friday, September 4, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- September 4, 2009
What a week.
To say this past week was a whirlwind is the understatement of the year. Thank you for all of your support and understanding as we got up and running. We had a great week, and hope you did as well. The rest of this post reads like a recipe for no fun at all (swine flu, politics, bus and parking issues...) but I assure you, we are having a great time here! All summer long the logistics of moving kept me occupied, but there is nothing like 322 eager faces to make one focus on what is important. That being said, here are some more logistical notes.
Ice Cream, You Scream...
The PTC Ice Cream Social was an unbelievable success last night! Thanks go to the parents who organized the event and served ice cream to the HUNDREDS who attended. The kids seemed to have a great time, and, for those Duck fans in the crowd, missing the first half was a blessing in disguise.
Every time I write "busing" it drives me crazy that it's not spelled with two s's. For that matter, every time the buses are late, I lose a bit more hair. This has been the one area in which we've experienced the most glitches. To a degree, it's understandable, given that our routes have changed, the school moved, and our ridership doubled. Nonetheless, a number of wrinkles are now being smoothed. Some highlights:
Please help us keep students safe by dropping them at school no earlier than 8:30. We simply do not have the capacity to supervise them any earlier. Teachers need that time to prepare for the day and there is no location suitable to keep them dry and warm once the weather starts.
Presidential Address
On Tuesday President Obama will be delivering an address directed at students, much like President H.W. Bush did in 1991, aimed at diminishing the drop-out rate and promoting the importance of education. The country is clearly polarized around a great number of political issues. There are great arguments for why we ought to have kids watch the speech, and also very strong arguments against. I am quite certain that, in either case, many parents will be disappointed with the position we take. After speaking with our faculty, and considering options, we will not be showing the speech live here at school. It will be so widely available online that children and families who wish to view the speech will have full access from home. Additionally, logistical issues with our wireless network here make it nearly impossible to have all children watch the speech live. I understand that some in our community may be frustrated that we are avoiding a "teachable moment" in taking this course, or -- worse -- implicitly sending a message about avoiding important discourse. And, these are both very valid concerns; I share them. However, because of the combination of network viability here, the disruption to our schedule, and the ubiquity of access from home, I am comfortable with this course.
This week we distributed materials from DHS with information about our responses to the likelihood of a pandemic. I'll link the pdf here as well. Below are some basics that should help us be proactive in our approach to mitigating the issue.
We had an incredible turnout for the Ice Cream Social. The spillover effect was that, for the first time, we impacted the Ash Creek neighborhood in a negative way. I received a number of complaints about illegal parking on neighborhood streets, and it raises my level of concern, knowing that Back to School Night is coming soon (September 15th).There's not much to be done about the number of vehicles we bring for such a large event, but it would help us (and my inbox) enormously if we adhere to posted parking signs and remained clear of driveways. Thank you for your help with this.
Finally, congratulations to the staff, students, and families of Riverdale High School for their incredible academic accomplishments -- truly, the best high school in the state!
Upcoming events:
no school -- Labor Day
first day of school for kinders
Picture Day
PTC General Meeting (9:45 in cafeteria *note time change from original calendar*)
Sally Foster Assembly 2:00-2:25
Summer Readers Ice Cream Party (in library, K-4 lunch recess)
girls volleyball home vs. Crossroads (4:00)
To say this past week was a whirlwind is the understatement of the year. Thank you for all of your support and understanding as we got up and running. We had a great week, and hope you did as well. The rest of this post reads like a recipe for no fun at all (swine flu, politics, bus and parking issues...) but I assure you, we are having a great time here! All summer long the logistics of moving kept me occupied, but there is nothing like 322 eager faces to make one focus on what is important. That being said, here are some more logistical notes.
Ice Cream, You Scream...
The PTC Ice Cream Social was an unbelievable success last night! Thanks go to the parents who organized the event and served ice cream to the HUNDREDS who attended. The kids seemed to have a great time, and, for those Duck fans in the crowd, missing the first half was a blessing in disguise.
Every time I write "busing" it drives me crazy that it's not spelled with two s's. For that matter, every time the buses are late, I lose a bit more hair. This has been the one area in which we've experienced the most glitches. To a degree, it's understandable, given that our routes have changed, the school moved, and our ridership doubled. Nonetheless, a number of wrinkles are now being smoothed. Some highlights:
- Updated bus routes -- click here to see the latest iteration of the bus routes, adjusting a few stops (if you don't already know about an adjustment, you won't be surprised here) and most of the times by a few minutes.
- Late buses -- we expected a degree of disequilibrium around the time schedule, but, frankly, not this much. A number of factors contributed to the delays, but they should taper and disappear by next week. The bus company has also adjusted some of the pick-up and drop times to make transitioning into first period classes go more smoothly.
- Upperclassmen monitoring the front -- beginning today I started talking to older students who are interested in sitting up front with younger students to help ensure they feel comfortable and are safe. Please encourage your middle school student to volunteer for this important role; parents of our younger students will thank you!
- Students should ride one bus on a regular basis. It is too difficult for us to otherwise keep track. If plans change, or a students needs to ride a different bus home or to a friend's house, they should bring a not to that effect for the teacher and bus driver.
Please help us keep students safe by dropping them at school no earlier than 8:30. We simply do not have the capacity to supervise them any earlier. Teachers need that time to prepare for the day and there is no location suitable to keep them dry and warm once the weather starts.
Presidential Address
On Tuesday President Obama will be delivering an address directed at students, much like President H.W. Bush did in 1991, aimed at diminishing the drop-out rate and promoting the importance of education. The country is clearly polarized around a great number of political issues. There are great arguments for why we ought to have kids watch the speech, and also very strong arguments against. I am quite certain that, in either case, many parents will be disappointed with the position we take. After speaking with our faculty, and considering options, we will not be showing the speech live here at school. It will be so widely available online that children and families who wish to view the speech will have full access from home. Additionally, logistical issues with our wireless network here make it nearly impossible to have all children watch the speech live. I understand that some in our community may be frustrated that we are avoiding a "teachable moment" in taking this course, or -- worse -- implicitly sending a message about avoiding important discourse. And, these are both very valid concerns; I share them. However, because of the combination of network viability here, the disruption to our schedule, and the ubiquity of access from home, I am comfortable with this course.
This week we distributed materials from DHS with information about our responses to the likelihood of a pandemic. I'll link the pdf here as well. Below are some basics that should help us be proactive in our approach to mitigating the issue.
- Teach your children to wash their hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Teach your children not to share personal items like drinks, food or unwashed utensils, and to cover their coughs and sneezes with tissues. Covering up their coughs or sneezes using the elbow, arm or sleeve instead of the hand when a tissue is unavailable.
- Know the signs and symptoms of the flu. Symptoms of the flu include fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit, 37.8 degrees Celsius or greater), cough, sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, and feeling very tired. Some people may also vomit or have diarrhea.
- Keep sick children at home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have fever or do not have signs of fever, without using fever-reducing medications. Keeping children with a fever at home will reduce the number of people who may get infected. Please do not give aspirin to a child with influenza symptoms, it may cause a rare, but serious condition called Reye’s Syndrome.
- Do not send children to school if they are sick. Any children who are determined to be sick while at school will be sent home.
- If you call into the school to report that your child is ill, please tell the school staff what symptoms your child is experiencing.
We had an incredible turnout for the Ice Cream Social. The spillover effect was that, for the first time, we impacted the Ash Creek neighborhood in a negative way. I received a number of complaints about illegal parking on neighborhood streets, and it raises my level of concern, knowing that Back to School Night is coming soon (September 15th).There's not much to be done about the number of vehicles we bring for such a large event, but it would help us (and my inbox) enormously if we adhere to posted parking signs and remained clear of driveways. Thank you for your help with this.
Finally, congratulations to the staff, students, and families of Riverdale High School for their incredible academic accomplishments -- truly, the best high school in the state!
Upcoming events:
no school -- Labor Day
first day of school for kinders
Picture Day
PTC General Meeting (9:45 in cafeteria *note time change from original calendar*)
Sally Foster Assembly 2:00-2:25
Summer Readers Ice Cream Party (in library, K-4 lunch recess)
girls volleyball home vs. Crossroads (4:00)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- August 28, 2009
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to opening week of the best show this side of I-5! Our three ring circus is nearly ready.
In the first tent -- the primary pod -- K-2 teachers busied themselves this last week putting name-cards on tables and prettying the place up. The five classrooms in this area, as well as the computer lab and resource room, surround the library.
In the second tent -- on the long hall -- each locker is adorned with the name of a 5-8 student, and the coat-hooks await our 3rd and 4th graders. Art and k-4 music are also located along this hall.
In the final tent, churning out registration paperwork like cotton candy, Betsy, Karen and I are ready to help anybody with just about anything. The place looks great, especially relative to a few weeks ago. (Tammy Sutter took it upon herself to adorn our front entrance with flower containers.)
What follows is a bit of last-minute logistical information.
Driving to Smith
The simple version of the parent driving directions are:
Terwilliger across I-5
Left on Barbur
Veer Right on Taylor's Ferry
Right on 50th
Left on Marigold
Left on 52nd
(Now you'll be in "The Drop Zone." Pull all the way forward, up to the last sign, and unload your car. Airport rules apply here. If you'd like to stop and get out of the vehicle, please pull much farther forward.)
Left on Orchid (first left)
Left on 45th (at the T)
Right on Multnomah.
We are very much aware of the potential this fall for global concerns around what has been termed "swine flu." In the coming weeks we will be issuing a series of reminders -- around the importance of hand-washing, making decisions about staying home vs. coming to school -- in order to keep our community informed and healthy. At school, our emphasis will be on healthy living habits most directly, especially for younger children.
I'd like to close by issuing a simple note of thanks to the faculty and support staff. It is no exaggeration to say that everybody pitched in to get us to this point, and the pride I feel around the amount of work they accomplished in a short period of time is unsurpassed in my experience. This group of professionals is truly exceptional, the best I've had the privilege to know.
Here we go! This is a grand adventure, and we're all feeling grateful that your children will be here soon to share it with us.
In the first tent -- the primary pod -- K-2 teachers busied themselves this last week putting name-cards on tables and prettying the place up. The five classrooms in this area, as well as the computer lab and resource room, surround the library.
In the second tent -- on the long hall -- each locker is adorned with the name of a 5-8 student, and the coat-hooks await our 3rd and 4th graders. Art and k-4 music are also located along this hall.
In the final tent, churning out registration paperwork like cotton candy, Betsy, Karen and I are ready to help anybody with just about anything. The place looks great, especially relative to a few weeks ago. (Tammy Sutter took it upon herself to adorn our front entrance with flower containers.)
What follows is a bit of last-minute logistical information.
- Bus routes are posted on the web here.
- Here in the office we do not know which bus your child is taking, or which stop on that route is most appropriate. In previous years we have known this information, but because the routes changed this year we do not. Our most critical role this week -- in terms of student safety -- is to compile an accurate list. We have two methods for tracking this information. One will take place here at school; the other is home-based. When children exit the bus they will be given a colored sticker, which will be handed to the teacher. It will be very helpful if you will also email Betsy with the route and stop information for your child, regardless of whether they ride during the first few days. (We anticipate that some families with younger kids will want to drive for the first few days. The neighborhood association folks know this and absolutely understand we will have more of an impact in the first week or so of school.
- The activity bus will leave Smith at 5:15 to accommodate our athletic teams. This is a change (from 5:00) and is reflected on the route schedule here.
Driving to Smith
The simple version of the parent driving directions are:
Terwilliger across I-5
Left on Barbur
Veer Right on Taylor's Ferry
Right on 50th
Left on Marigold
Left on 52nd
(Now you'll be in "The Drop Zone." Pull all the way forward, up to the last sign, and unload your car. Airport rules apply here. If you'd like to stop and get out of the vehicle, please pull much farther forward.)
Left on Orchid (first left)
Left on 45th (at the T)
Right on Multnomah.
We are very much aware of the potential this fall for global concerns around what has been termed "swine flu." In the coming weeks we will be issuing a series of reminders -- around the importance of hand-washing, making decisions about staying home vs. coming to school -- in order to keep our community informed and healthy. At school, our emphasis will be on healthy living habits most directly, especially for younger children.
I'd like to close by issuing a simple note of thanks to the faculty and support staff. It is no exaggeration to say that everybody pitched in to get us to this point, and the pride I feel around the amount of work they accomplished in a short period of time is unsurpassed in my experience. This group of professionals is truly exceptional, the best I've had the privilege to know.
Here we go! This is a grand adventure, and we're all feeling grateful that your children will be here soon to share it with us.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Smith Walk-Through a Huge Success!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Smith Walk-Through This Friday
This Friday, from 11-3, students and parents are cordially invited for a walk-through self-guided tour of Smith Elementary, our temporary home.
Come find your classroom, play on the playground, and run into friends you have not seen all summer!
It is important to note that, while we are working to make the school come alive for our first day, it is very much a work in progress right now.
The address is 8935 SW 52nd Ave.
From the neighborhood and Terwilliger:
View Larger Map
Come find your classroom, play on the playground, and run into friends you have not seen all summer!
It is important to note that, while we are working to make the school come alive for our first day, it is very much a work in progress right now.
The address is 8935 SW 52nd Ave.
From the neighborhood and Terwilliger:
- Turn Left on Barbur
- Veer Right on Taylor's Ferry (just before South-bound I-5 on-ramp)
- Turn Right on 50th Ave.
- Turn Left on Marigold
- Turn Left on 52nd Ave.
View Larger Map
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Principal's Newsletter August 11, 2009
It's five o'clock on Tuesday and Betsy and I just spent the day beginning the unpacking process at Smith Elementary. We are thrilled to be as ready as we are. Surely, there will be glitches along the way, but we feel very confident about the state of Smith and the prospects for a dynamic year.
It's time to share a whole bunch of information with our students and parents about the logistics of starting up for our transitional year.
We have a new fourth grade teacher, Tod Johnston. In the last week we completed an interview process that saw 340+ applicants, a screening process, and three rounds of interviews. I would like to thank Betsy Biss, Sharon Whitehill, and Brian Black for donating their time to the cause. Sharon, in particular, had a vested interest in finding a teaching partner for the year -- they will be sharing a classroom. As well, Nicole Grayson and Lisa Handley provided a parent perspective to our process; their contribution was invaluable.
In the end, Tod's experience and his professional skill-set proved a very strong fit for our community. I'll list a few highlights:
Bus routes are posted on the school website. Follow this link to see the routes. Please pay particular attention to the fact that, because we added a bus line, the route designation numbers do not necessarily correspond with previous route numbers.
In reviewing responses to the transportation survey we learned that folks are overwhelmingly interested in taking the bus, with carpooling coming up as the second-most favored option. This is good news as we have an obligation to the Ash Creek Neighborhood Association to limit traffic impact. I recently met with that group, and their response to our presence was especially gracious and warm. Their interests are to see the school live again, to have the school grounds cared for in a responsible way, and to continue to use the playground and fields when they are not occupied by our students. Ours is simple: we need a safe place for our kids to learn and play for a year. Overall, I think it is a partnership that will benefit both their community and ours. I want to be diligent in my efforts to maintain that relationship, and so may be asking for your help throughout the year in terms of complying with our transportation plan.
The Smith address is 8935 SW 52nd Ave. A Google Maps search shows the neighborhood quite well. The routes designated by PDOT for our conditional use permit are these:
In addition, an activities bus (or more likely, two) will leave RGS at 5:00 for the neighborhood, carrying students practicing a sport or attending a Community Schools class or Extended Care.
Extended Care will take place in both the am and pm, going until 6:00 pm.
Jazz Band will take place at RHS, which will then be a bus stop for those kids in the morning. It is probable that the same will be true for Community Schools Chinese classes.
First Student is amenable to providing a bus to the MAC after school, on a separate fee basis. The roughly estimated cost for this would be $60/day, which would be split amongst interested families.
Volleyball practice for middle school girls will be held at Smith, as will home games. The girls will be able to take the activities bus home.
Boys' and girls' soccer practices will be held at Smith after school. The games, as well as most RHS games, will be held at the Grade School field, enough of which has been preserved to allow for a field. It goes without saying that parking will be a major concern, and we are asking that all involved do everything possible to ameliorate parking and safety issues. Students will be bused to the Breyman site. Please carpool or walk, if at all possible.
Students and families are welcome to drop by the school for a "sneak preview" on Friday, August 21, from 11:00-3:00. This is intended to be a simple walk-through. It is important to note that the school will not yet be ready for operations. (Teachers will not yet have been contracted to come in.) Nonetheless, we believe this opportunity will allow many students to feel more settled about what the year holds.
We are aware that many families have difficulty attending day-time events like these due to work commitments, but cannot hold an evening event of this magnitude per the stipulations of our conditional use permit. Each classroom will be planning an orientation for the first days of school, with many of the same goals in mind -- making students feel comfortable and safe being paramount.
We experienced a glitch in our "7-8 elective" email. I owe an apology to those 7-8 families whose email bounced back to us in our initial request for elective choices. We are uncertain as to why somewhere on the order of 20 email addresses kicked back to us when we sent out this email; it does not appear to be a data-entry error. Nonetheless, the result was that some folks understandably felt slighted. We tracked each of these emails, though, and will assign electives based upon an appropriately modified order.
PTC generously ordered planners for grades 4-8. These items appear on supply lists but have already been ordered. Thank you PTC!
If you get a chance, these folks deserve a "thank you." This summer has been, and continues to be, the summer of logistics. A few notable individuals are responsible for the amazingly coherent state of our school.
It's time to share a whole bunch of information with our students and parents about the logistics of starting up for our transitional year.
We have a new fourth grade teacher, Tod Johnston. In the last week we completed an interview process that saw 340+ applicants, a screening process, and three rounds of interviews. I would like to thank Betsy Biss, Sharon Whitehill, and Brian Black for donating their time to the cause. Sharon, in particular, had a vested interest in finding a teaching partner for the year -- they will be sharing a classroom. As well, Nicole Grayson and Lisa Handley provided a parent perspective to our process; their contribution was invaluable.
In the end, Tod's experience and his professional skill-set proved a very strong fit for our community. I'll list a few highlights:
He grew up in Lake Oswego and so attended high school with many Riverdale kids, this being prior to the development of RHS. Tod studied environmental studies at Stanford University, and then earned his Master's degree at UC Santa Cruz. (So he's either a tree/color or a banana slug -- admittedly, mascots may not be the strongest part of his resume.) Tod and his future wife began their teaching careers in China, teaching in two different international schools, including two years in fourth grade. More recently, Tod's been teaching in Northern California as a science specialist and a GATE (TAG) coordinator. They've just relocated to the Portland area to be closer to family, and, in related news, are celebrating the one-month anniversary of their first child. We are ecstatic to be welcoming Tod to the Riverdale team!
Bus routes are posted on the school website. Follow this link to see the routes. Please pay particular attention to the fact that, because we added a bus line, the route designation numbers do not necessarily correspond with previous route numbers.
In reviewing responses to the transportation survey we learned that folks are overwhelmingly interested in taking the bus, with carpooling coming up as the second-most favored option. This is good news as we have an obligation to the Ash Creek Neighborhood Association to limit traffic impact. I recently met with that group, and their response to our presence was especially gracious and warm. Their interests are to see the school live again, to have the school grounds cared for in a responsible way, and to continue to use the playground and fields when they are not occupied by our students. Ours is simple: we need a safe place for our kids to learn and play for a year. Overall, I think it is a partnership that will benefit both their community and ours. I want to be diligent in my efforts to maintain that relationship, and so may be asking for your help throughout the year in terms of complying with our transportation plan.
The Smith address is 8935 SW 52nd Ave. A Google Maps search shows the neighborhood quite well. The routes designated by PDOT for our conditional use permit are these:
- Parents will enter via Taylor's Ferry, turning right on 5oth Ave., Left on Marigold, and Left on 52nd Ave. (This makes a loop, ensuring a right-hand-side drop-off.)
- Buses will enter from Garden Home, turning Left on 52nd.
- All vehicles will exit the neighborhood by turning left from 52nd onto Orchid; Orchid ends at 45th, and a Left at the T takes you to the intersection with Multnomah.
In addition, an activities bus (or more likely, two) will leave RGS at 5:00 for the neighborhood, carrying students practicing a sport or attending a Community Schools class or Extended Care.
Extended Care will take place in both the am and pm, going until 6:00 pm.
Jazz Band will take place at RHS, which will then be a bus stop for those kids in the morning. It is probable that the same will be true for Community Schools Chinese classes.
First Student is amenable to providing a bus to the MAC after school, on a separate fee basis. The roughly estimated cost for this would be $60/day, which would be split amongst interested families.
Volleyball practice for middle school girls will be held at Smith, as will home games. The girls will be able to take the activities bus home.
Boys' and girls' soccer practices will be held at Smith after school. The games, as well as most RHS games, will be held at the Grade School field, enough of which has been preserved to allow for a field. It goes without saying that parking will be a major concern, and we are asking that all involved do everything possible to ameliorate parking and safety issues. Students will be bused to the Breyman site. Please carpool or walk, if at all possible.
Students and families are welcome to drop by the school for a "sneak preview" on Friday, August 21, from 11:00-3:00. This is intended to be a simple walk-through. It is important to note that the school will not yet be ready for operations. (Teachers will not yet have been contracted to come in.) Nonetheless, we believe this opportunity will allow many students to feel more settled about what the year holds.
We are aware that many families have difficulty attending day-time events like these due to work commitments, but cannot hold an evening event of this magnitude per the stipulations of our conditional use permit. Each classroom will be planning an orientation for the first days of school, with many of the same goals in mind -- making students feel comfortable and safe being paramount.
We experienced a glitch in our "7-8 elective" email. I owe an apology to those 7-8 families whose email bounced back to us in our initial request for elective choices. We are uncertain as to why somewhere on the order of 20 email addresses kicked back to us when we sent out this email; it does not appear to be a data-entry error. Nonetheless, the result was that some folks understandably felt slighted. We tracked each of these emails, though, and will assign electives based upon an appropriately modified order.
PTC generously ordered planners for grades 4-8. These items appear on supply lists but have already been ordered. Thank you PTC!
If you get a chance, these folks deserve a "thank you." This summer has been, and continues to be, the summer of logistics. A few notable individuals are responsible for the amazingly coherent state of our school.
- Betsy Biss -- her patience and organizational skills kept us in shape through two intense moves.
- Dennis Wiley -- knows Smith inside and out by now, and has taken charge of the organization of the on-site logistics.
- Steve Montague -- he's worked with teachers to ready each room, moving furniture and thoughtfully planning each space.
- Kathy Jacobsen -- Kathy works "four tens" during the summer, except that this summer she's worked "five elevens."
- Riverdale High School -- they patiently housed us in our holding pattern, and have selflessly helped us with custodial set-up at Smith.
- Dale Petersen -- we knew he knows technology, but that's been only the tip of the iceberg for Dale this summer.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- July 15, 2009
In the time since my last newsletter, shortly after the end of the academic year, more has happened than I would have thought imaginable. Those of you with roots in this community must have deeply conflicted feelings about the tear-down of our school. Clearly, while I was developing parallel plans for the 2009-2010 school year, we now know for certain that we will be housed at Smith Elementary School in Portland next year.
The purpose of this notice is to share with you updated information on a number of topics related to our year-long adventure.
Attached to the email I used to link to this post is a "Transportation Survey" that I would be obliged if you returned rather soon. Portions of the survey I will relate again here. Two areas of focus are paramount: bus plans and sensitivity to the Ash Creek neighborhood.
Driving Directions
We are conscious of the impact our presence will have on the Ash Creek neighborhood and have developed plans accordingly. In fact, in our Conditional Use Permit for the use of the Smith facility, we pledged to increase both bus ridership and carpool participation. Additionally, that document dictates particular routes for school buses and carpool vehicles (separate routes, with different entrance and egress for each).
I hope these details give you a more clear sense of the best routes into and leaving our temporary home. We are committed to have a low impact on our hosts' neighborhood, and I appreciate your help abiding with the agreements we've entered.
The other area of focus in relation to our temporary transition to Smith is that of ensuring the well-being, safety, and security of our students. In order to minimize the impact of the distance our students will be traveling we have taken a number of measures which I will outline here.
Teaching Position
The posting for the 4th grade position closed on Monday, with 340 applicants! A sign of the times for certain, the turnout for the posting is encouraging in that we have an excellent field of candidates from which to choose. Priorities in the search are many, but ultimately we are seeking the somewhat nebulous "fit" for our school. Experience, communication skill, and content knowledge are among the most important factors. Interviews will take place in the late part of July and early weeks of August, with a panel composed of parents, teachers, and myself.
Configuration Plans -- Smith
The opportunity Smith Elementary provides us is remarkable. That we will be able to carry on our program with a minimum of alterations in a true school facility while the building is constructed, rather than guide children around a complicated and potentially dangerous construction site, is especially fortuitous. That being said, there are some configuration challenges posed by a facility that -- while built for more students than we bring -- was not designed to accommodate them in such small class sizes. Namely, our kindergarten model looks slightly different than it has in recent years (all students arrive in the morning, 1/2 day students then leave at midday) and third and fourth grade classrooms will be co-taught (two teachers in one classroom with approximately 28 students).
In the Spring, I communicated personally with most parents of rising third and fourth graders to share the early development of these plans. Some of those plans were clouded by the added consideration given to the uncertainty of where we would be in 2009-2010 and what the staffing level would be. Now that both of these questions have been answered (for the positive) we can more clearly delineate plans. I am developing a Frequently Asked Question page related to the decision-making process and the model itself in these grade levels; it will be the subject of my next newsletter. I am also keen to meet with parents of students in third and fourth grade to reassure you that the year will be a success, that the teachers involved are excited by the prospect of a unique year in their practice, and that we will ensure our students' success.
Smith Orientation
Plans are in the works for an opportunity for folks and children to see their temporary home. As school begins on August 31 this year, we will incorporate an opportunity to walk the halls into the process of unpacking boxes and moving into our spaces -- a volunteer day at Smith in late August. (By the way, please take note that the PTC New Families Picnic will be held on Sunday, August 23rd!) My suggestion is that you take an opportunity somewhere down the line this summer to drive the route and play on the equipment over at Smith.
I hope that everyone is having a fantastic summer, and that, as we approach a new school year, our focus can remain on providing our children with the finest possible educational experience.
Best Regards,
The purpose of this notice is to share with you updated information on a number of topics related to our year-long adventure.
Attached to the email I used to link to this post is a "Transportation Survey" that I would be obliged if you returned rather soon. Portions of the survey I will relate again here. Two areas of focus are paramount: bus plans and sensitivity to the Ash Creek neighborhood.
Driving Directions
We are conscious of the impact our presence will have on the Ash Creek neighborhood and have developed plans accordingly. In fact, in our Conditional Use Permit for the use of the Smith facility, we pledged to increase both bus ridership and carpool participation. Additionally, that document dictates particular routes for school buses and carpool vehicles (separate routes, with different entrance and egress for each).
- School buses will enter the neighborhood via Garden Home Drive, turning left on SW 52nd Ave., ensuring a school-side drop for students. They will exit via a left-hand turn on SW Orchid Street toward SW 45th Drive.
- If you drive a carpool of children to or from the school, the following route is important to note: (from Taylor's Ferry) Right on SW 50th Avenue, Left on SW Marigold Street, Left on SW 50th Avenue -- again, ensuring a school-side drop-off -- and exiting via a left-hand turn on SW Orchid Street toward SW 45th Drive.
- There are two clear routes to Taylor's Ferry. One, more direct, may also experience more traffic. That is to turn left on Barbur from Terwilliger, and a slight right on Taylor's Ferry. The other is slightly more complex, but will likely save time. It is to turn left onto Taylor's Ferry before the freeway, right on SW 19th Avenue, left on Barbur, right on Multnomah Blvd., right on Taylor's Ferry.
The other area of focus in relation to our temporary transition to Smith is that of ensuring the well-being, safety, and security of our students. In order to minimize the impact of the distance our students will be traveling we have taken a number of measures which I will outline here.
- Added Bus -- We have moved from three buses to four in order to shorten the ride times.
- Consolidated Stops -- We have consolidated some stops (similar to "snow routes") also in order to minimize ride times.
- The longest bus ride will -- as a result of these two measures -- be shorter than the longest ride during the 2008-2009 school year.
- Hitcher Clause -- Students arriving from outside the neighborhood may be dropped at one of three larger (in terms of pull-out space) bus stops in order to catch a ride to Smith.
- Specific bus route narratives will be posted on the District website in early August once they have been finalized. Drafts are in-hand now.
Teaching Position
The posting for the 4th grade position closed on Monday, with 340 applicants! A sign of the times for certain, the turnout for the posting is encouraging in that we have an excellent field of candidates from which to choose. Priorities in the search are many, but ultimately we are seeking the somewhat nebulous "fit" for our school. Experience, communication skill, and content knowledge are among the most important factors. Interviews will take place in the late part of July and early weeks of August, with a panel composed of parents, teachers, and myself.
Configuration Plans -- Smith
The opportunity Smith Elementary provides us is remarkable. That we will be able to carry on our program with a minimum of alterations in a true school facility while the building is constructed, rather than guide children around a complicated and potentially dangerous construction site, is especially fortuitous. That being said, there are some configuration challenges posed by a facility that -- while built for more students than we bring -- was not designed to accommodate them in such small class sizes. Namely, our kindergarten model looks slightly different than it has in recent years (all students arrive in the morning, 1/2 day students then leave at midday) and third and fourth grade classrooms will be co-taught (two teachers in one classroom with approximately 28 students).
In the Spring, I communicated personally with most parents of rising third and fourth graders to share the early development of these plans. Some of those plans were clouded by the added consideration given to the uncertainty of where we would be in 2009-2010 and what the staffing level would be. Now that both of these questions have been answered (for the positive) we can more clearly delineate plans. I am developing a Frequently Asked Question page related to the decision-making process and the model itself in these grade levels; it will be the subject of my next newsletter. I am also keen to meet with parents of students in third and fourth grade to reassure you that the year will be a success, that the teachers involved are excited by the prospect of a unique year in their practice, and that we will ensure our students' success.
Smith Orientation
Plans are in the works for an opportunity for folks and children to see their temporary home. As school begins on August 31 this year, we will incorporate an opportunity to walk the halls into the process of unpacking boxes and moving into our spaces -- a volunteer day at Smith in late August. (By the way, please take note that the PTC New Families Picnic will be held on Sunday, August 23rd!) My suggestion is that you take an opportunity somewhere down the line this summer to drive the route and play on the equipment over at Smith.
I hope that everyone is having a fantastic summer, and that, as we approach a new school year, our focus can remain on providing our children with the finest possible educational experience.
Best Regards,
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Three Updates
The first week of summer was anything but low-key. Sixteen truckloads of pencils, paper, desks, and chairs made their way to Smith Elementary School. I'd like to give a great big "Thank You!" to all those who came to help! The school is now absolutely empty, save for materials staged in our gym for the year. The photo is of the gym at Smith, loaded for next year. I hope it gives some sense of the scale. Along the way we were able to recycle an entire construction container of material, as well as donate a great deal of school supplies left behind by children to a worthy cause.
Let me share three related updates with you.
First, my apologies for not posting class lists on Friday. They will be posted on Monday around noon on a bulletin board, street-side rather than on the front doors as is usual. The reason for waiting until Monday is that we have a change in personnel to announce -- this is the second update. The reason we'll not be posting on the front doors has to do with the abatement process, which also begins on Monday; abatement details are the third piece of news.
At a special session of the School Board, Superintendent Hoagland proposed that we post the 4th grade position recently vacated by Mira Peterson. This is a reversal of the original recommendation made by the budget committee, which was prudently based on to-date financial considerations and enrollment. Recently, with increased interest in the Grade School, we recommended that we add back the position; the Board unanimously agreed! I will update soon, in my next newsletter, about the process we will undertake to fill that position.
The central purpose for Saturday's special session was to discuss the Conditional Use hearing of the 15th and its implications for the ongoing Grade School process. In short, the plan is to move forward. We are prepared for abatement to begin on Monday the 22nd, on schedule. There are strict DEQ requirements around the abatement process and the district has contracted a specialty firm to undertake it. The first phase, which begins Monday, is concerned with the removal of asbestos glue underneath layers of carpet below the carpet you see now in the main building. The site will be totally contained and will be absolutely safe for neighbors. Those familiar with the abatement process may know that there is often a smell associated with the chemicals used in removal, but that they are approved treatment chemicals and the odor, if it exists, poses no danger to the passerby. In our case, the abatement contractor will not be using these chemicals, in any case. You will not see the entire campus fenced until such time as is necessary from a safety standpoint. That is to say, the building will be totally inaccessible, but the rest of the campus will not.
Nonetheless, we urge folks to discourage children from playing on the basketball hoops or playground for the time being. In a similar vein, we will post the class lists away from the doors.
I'd like to reiterate that the abatement process being undertaken at the Grade School is extremely minor relative to many other projects concerning buildings of a similar age, and that we consider the precautions being taken to be on the conservative side, knowing that it is a place for children and that we wish to be the best neighbors we can be.
I will continue to update with details as they make themselves apparent, on all of these fronts. Please don't hesitate to call with any questions. For the summer, Betsy and I are set up at Riverdale High School. Beginning Tuesday, our phone number should ring there, and mail will be forwarded.
As always, my best.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Packing and Moving Update

It's Saturday morning and the halls are strangely quiet, especially relative to the barely bundled energy of the last few days of school. Steve, our amiable evening custodian did a remarkable job of dealing with the piles left on the hallway floor. In recent days I've been asked a number of times for updates, or for how folks can help in the packing and moving process.
Monday the 15th
The Conditional Use Process happens downtown. This is the presentation of the staff report compiled by the folks in the City and County offices in response to the District's Conditional Use Permit application. It is also the opportunity for testimony of folks who feel strongly about the new plans, one way or another. While that is going on, we'll be here working on report cards and beginning, in earnest, to pack our boxes.
Tuesday the 16th
The movers will be here, beginning in the library, and then moving from the far northern classrooms and working toward the South parking lot. Volunteer sheets are posted on most classroom doors and in the office area. We are wary about having young children (below current 5th graders) on campus at this time because of the presence of large recycling and refuse containers, moving trucks, and heavy boxes. Nonetheless, thanks to Leslie Mahler and Nicole Grayson, the playground will have some supervisory coverage to allow parents to help out if they wish.
Wednesday the 17th
Teaching staff last day -- this is the end of the packing portion of the move, and the last day we can have volunteers on-site.
Thursday the 18th and Friday the 19th
The movers will be completeing the removal of packed materials from teh buildings. The contractors will be here, in the main building, preparing for abatement to begin on Monday the 22nd. This includes the removal of lower cabinetry from the main building, to allow full access to the floor apces. This material will all be saved in order ot be sold or donated for reuse. It will not be safe for visitors, especially children, to be on-site these two days.
There is a mountain of unclaimed clothing items in the lost and found. we will spread it all out on Monday for claiming purposes, but it will be gone by Thursday. Please take a moment to swing by and grab your kiddos' hoodies and jackets!
Stay tuned for updates in the early summer. When I know, you'll know.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- June 5, 2009
Boxes, boxes, everywhere.
Here's the scoop on the Grade School relocation project. We are preparing for a move to Smith Elementary School for the 2009-2010 school year. Movers will be on site beginning on Monday the 15th. We will be packing and preparing for our move on the 15th-17th (Monday through Wednesday) and the move will likely be completed by Friday the 19th.
In order to make this happen, we could use a bit of help.
Next week, I will update on a great number of issues, including, but not limited to: Smith Elementary details, preliminary busing info for 2009-2010, summer-time elective choices for 7-8 students, classroom configuration thoughts, summer offices for Grade School administration, etc.
For now, let's celebrate the many accomplishments of our incredibly talented Class of 2009!
The Coming Week's Calendar
PTC End-of-Year Coffee 8:30
5th grade field trip -- Berry Botanic Garden
School Board meeting 6:00
Early Release 2:30
RHS Graduation 8:00
Grade School Awards Ceremony 10:00
Move-Up 2:00
Rising 7th Grade Informational Mtg 2:45
Promotion 7:00
Reception 8:30
Last Day of School: grades K-7.
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:
Here's the scoop on the Grade School relocation project. We are preparing for a move to Smith Elementary School for the 2009-2010 school year. Movers will be on site beginning on Monday the 15th. We will be packing and preparing for our move on the 15th-17th (Monday through Wednesday) and the move will likely be completed by Friday the 19th.
In order to make this happen, we could use a bit of help.
- I have asked teachers to create a sign-up for any volunteers they can use during specific time periods for Tuesday and Wednesday. These will be posted on classroom doors.
- Other areas of focus are: the gym, music room, custodial room, and offices. These sign-ups will be posted in the main office area beginning on Monday the 8th.
- Additionally, Leslie Mahler (bless her heart) has volunteered to help coordinate the effective use of volunteers. One important note is that, because of the condensed time-line, we will ask that young children (below current 5th graders) not come onto campus during this time. An exception to this is that Leslie will be coordinating supervision for children on and around the playground in order to allow parents to participate more freely.
- Stay tuned for even more specific information on volunteer opportunities.
Next week, I will update on a great number of issues, including, but not limited to: Smith Elementary details, preliminary busing info for 2009-2010, summer-time elective choices for 7-8 students, classroom configuration thoughts, summer offices for Grade School administration, etc.
For now, let's celebrate the many accomplishments of our incredibly talented Class of 2009!
The Coming Week's Calendar
PTC End-of-Year Coffee 8:30
5th grade field trip -- Berry Botanic Garden
School Board meeting 6:00
Early Release 2:30
RHS Graduation 8:00
Grade School Awards Ceremony 10:00
Move-Up 2:00
Rising 7th Grade Informational Mtg 2:45
Promotion 7:00
Reception 8:30
Last Day of School: grades K-7.
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:
Friday, May 29, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- May 29, 2009
Field Day is just around the bend. The field is striped and ready to go, the volunteers are swarming all over the pe equipment, and we are thrilled to be attending the 121st Annual Riverdale Field Day this Saturday.

Congratulations and a great big "Thank you" are due Shelby Quintos, the 2009 "Boompa" Award winner! Each year this award, named affectionately after Dave Carlo (aka Boompa), is awarded to the parent volunteer who makes a great impact in the classroom.
The first shipment of boxes has arrived, meaning "moving day" is not too far off. This begs the question, how are we going to move an entire school, one that's been here for 90 years? The answer is that we will be working very hard during the week of June 15th (actually the 15th-18th, Monday through Thursday) and any volunteers are more than welcome! I will send out details on exactly how folks can help, but you can bet there will be all kinds of opportunities.
The Coming Week's Calendar
Jazz Night at RHS @ 7:30
2nd Grade Ocean Plays, room 15 @ 2:00
Early Release 2:30
5-8 Music Concert @ 7:00
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:

Congratulations and a great big "Thank you" are due Shelby Quintos, the 2009 "Boompa" Award winner! Each year this award, named affectionately after Dave Carlo (aka Boompa), is awarded to the parent volunteer who makes a great impact in the classroom.
The first shipment of boxes has arrived, meaning "moving day" is not too far off. This begs the question, how are we going to move an entire school, one that's been here for 90 years? The answer is that we will be working very hard during the week of June 15th (actually the 15th-18th, Monday through Thursday) and any volunteers are more than welcome! I will send out details on exactly how folks can help, but you can bet there will be all kinds of opportunities.
The Coming Week's Calendar
Jazz Night at RHS @ 7:30
2nd Grade Ocean Plays, room 15 @ 2:00
Early Release 2:30
5-8 Music Concert @ 7:00
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Principal's Newsletter -- May 22, 2009
I write having had ample time to reflect on the value of our Field Studies program (five hours down to Ashland, six up to Camp Numanu the next morning). I cannot put it any more simply than this: it is the single best thing we do. Parents of younger students may not yet appreciate the value of these programs; I did not, though I'd been told time and again just what incredible experiences they provide for our children. This year I was able to visit each of the Field Study programs -- 5th graders in the Fall at Mt. St. Helens, 4th graders at Nate Creek Camp, 6th graders at Camps Adams and Howard, 7th graders at Numanu, and 8th graders in Ashland for the Shakespeare Festival. Three common denominators were evident throughout my visits:
The calendar below is absolutely full of events too important to miss but too numerous to narrate here. Please check out the coming week's calendar.
Cabaret was a wonderful addition to our year. I'd like to thank Mr. Mandis for filling his own shoes marvelously, and the dozens of folks who made the show happen! See below for an important announcement for parents of the players.
Again, please review the dates and times below for a thumbnail sketch of a big, if short, week.
The Coming Week's Calendar
Holiday -- schools and district office closed
budget committee meeting 6:00
Early Release 2:30
talent show rehearsal 2:30
immediate neighbor design meeting 7:00
2nd grade oceans event 11:00
talent show dress rehearsal 3:30
4th to 5th transition day 3:45
district athletic comm (RHS) 4:00
K-4 concert 7:00
RHS forecasting night 7:00
talent show 2:15
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:
- Students lose their shells. There's not much better than seeing a shy student drop his inhibitions, or a "cool" student let go for awhile. Friendships form in fertile new ground and self-realization abounds. I witnessed these beautiful transformations across the spectrum.
- It reminds us why we do what we do. The energy with which our faculty approach these experiences reveal their absolute passion for providing the kind of education you, in turn, seek for your children. They truly are dedicated to helping the kids discover all of themselves.
- People notice. At each of the field studies I overheard strangers, camp staff, or both, commenting on how polite, respectful, and genuinely interested our students are. It's great to know that others notice the same things I do.
The calendar below is absolutely full of events too important to miss but too numerous to narrate here. Please check out the coming week's calendar.
Cabaret was a wonderful addition to our year. I'd like to thank Mr. Mandis for filling his own shoes marvelously, and the dozens of folks who made the show happen! See below for an important announcement for parents of the players.
Finally, over the last two weeks we experienced an uncomfortable issue that, unfortunately, is all too common in schools. It appears that we were able to mitigate the effect of an outbreak of lice to large degree. Though, having said that, I imagine that families impacted by the obnoxious guests would beg to differ. I've received a number of requests for more clarity regarding our policies and practices around lice, as well as a great deal of feedback. I'll seek a bit more here. We are interested in reviewing our practices when it comes to dealing with lice and would like to invite you to email me with input you can be assured will remain private. In the coming weeks I will extend this to the broader scope of our work. I am interested in understanding the hopes and dreams this community holds for its school.If you ordered a DVD of the cabaret show, your order is now available for pick up in the grade school office. (Or you may ask your child to bring the DVD home when he, or she, returns from Field Studies.)If you haven't ordered a DVD, but would like to have a copy, here's how you do it:Send a check for $15 dollars made out to: "Show and Tell Video"You can mail the check to:Dawn Marks Fisher11020 SW Esquiline CircusPortland OR 97219If you have questions, you can reach Dawn at:503.699.1017Fax 503.699.5050Cell 503.997.3703
Again, please review the dates and times below for a thumbnail sketch of a big, if short, week.
The Coming Week's Calendar
Holiday -- schools and district office closed
budget committee meeting 6:00
Early Release 2:30
talent show rehearsal 2:30
immediate neighbor design meeting 7:00
2nd grade oceans event 11:00
talent show dress rehearsal 3:30
4th to 5th transition day 3:45
district athletic comm (RHS) 4:00
K-4 concert 7:00
RHS forecasting night 7:00
talent show 2:15
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Riverdale Student on OPB
Noelle Foden-Vencil, in collaboration with her father, submitted the story linked here to Oregon Public Broadcasting on the occasion of "Take Your Child to Work Day."
She interviewed students on the playground, in the cafeteria, and in the office. It's a wonderful insight into the imaginations, ambitions, and dreams of Riverdale students.
We're proud of you, Noelle.
She interviewed students on the playground, in the cafeteria, and in the office. It's a wonderful insight into the imaginations, ambitions, and dreams of Riverdale students.
We're proud of you, Noelle.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Principal Newsletter -- May 10, 2009
This is the 'hold onto your hat (and don't share it)' edition.
Hold on to your hat, because the event schedule is fast and furious. Between field studies, Cabaret, and Spring music concerts there are more than enough occasions to go around.
Don't share it -- your hat -- because we've experienced a bit of lice of late. We'll be doing some precautionary screening of heads in the office, but it's worthwhile to check your child's hair at home as well. With this obnoxious phenomenon it's best to stay ahead of the curve.
In more pleasant news, I had occasion to visit the fourth graders on their field study outside of Molalla on Friday, and am headed to outdoor school with the sixth graders on Tuesday. In fact, after spending a night with the fifth graders at St. Helens in the Fall I promised myself I would see each of the field studies personally. I have been impressed with a great number of aspects of the "Riverdale Experience," but none so much as with these programs. The thought, planning, and academic preparation that go into the field studies are -- truly -- beyond the pale. It is wonderful to see students rise to an occasion outside of the traditional classroom setting. Wonderful, too, to see our faculty engage students in a different setting. In these moments, everything I know about our school is affirmed -- that we value equally experience and academic rigor, that we provide safe environments in which our children can thrive, and that the development of relationship is elemental.
Cabaret fits nicely into this category as well. Mr. Mandis and the 7-8 Players have been working themselves to the bone to provide an incredibly high quality show. And they will! If ever I need a smile toward the end of a day lately, I walk into a rehearsal room and soak up not the sounds or sights, but the sheer energy of it. This weekend promises to be incredibly entertaining. If you need a smile, check out the energy (not to mention the sights and sounds) on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday nights. Thursday is a dress rehearsal -- only $3 -- and may well stop for a moment or two fro adjustments. Friday is for Mom and Dad and a handful of others, with dinner. Saturday night is the finale.
Third graders will play a role in the Zimbabwe Artist project on Monday, May 18th from 6-8:00 pm. One and all are invited to the reception. More to follow soon.
And, of course, Happy Mother's Day!
The Coming Week's Calendar
PTC General Meeting 8:45
School Board Meeting 6:00
3rd Grade field trip
Kinder field trip
Early Release 2:30
Cabaret Tech Rehearsal 5:00
2nd grade field trip
Cabaret Dress Rehearsal
1st Grade field trip
6th grade returns from Outdoor School
Cabaret Dinner Theater -- 6:00
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:
Hold on to your hat, because the event schedule is fast and furious. Between field studies, Cabaret, and Spring music concerts there are more than enough occasions to go around.
Don't share it -- your hat -- because we've experienced a bit of lice of late. We'll be doing some precautionary screening of heads in the office, but it's worthwhile to check your child's hair at home as well. With this obnoxious phenomenon it's best to stay ahead of the curve.
In more pleasant news, I had occasion to visit the fourth graders on their field study outside of Molalla on Friday, and am headed to outdoor school with the sixth graders on Tuesday. In fact, after spending a night with the fifth graders at St. Helens in the Fall I promised myself I would see each of the field studies personally. I have been impressed with a great number of aspects of the "Riverdale Experience," but none so much as with these programs. The thought, planning, and academic preparation that go into the field studies are -- truly -- beyond the pale. It is wonderful to see students rise to an occasion outside of the traditional classroom setting. Wonderful, too, to see our faculty engage students in a different setting. In these moments, everything I know about our school is affirmed -- that we value equally experience and academic rigor, that we provide safe environments in which our children can thrive, and that the development of relationship is elemental.
Cabaret fits nicely into this category as well. Mr. Mandis and the 7-8 Players have been working themselves to the bone to provide an incredibly high quality show. And they will! If ever I need a smile toward the end of a day lately, I walk into a rehearsal room and soak up not the sounds or sights, but the sheer energy of it. This weekend promises to be incredibly entertaining. If you need a smile, check out the energy (not to mention the sights and sounds) on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday nights. Thursday is a dress rehearsal -- only $3 -- and may well stop for a moment or two fro adjustments. Friday is for Mom and Dad and a handful of others, with dinner. Saturday night is the finale.
Third graders will play a role in the Zimbabwe Artist project on Monday, May 18th from 6-8:00 pm. One and all are invited to the reception. More to follow soon.
And, of course, Happy Mother's Day!
The Coming Week's Calendar
PTC General Meeting 8:45
School Board Meeting 6:00
3rd Grade field trip
Kinder field trip
Early Release 2:30
Cabaret Tech Rehearsal 5:00
2nd grade field trip
Cabaret Dress Rehearsal
1st Grade field trip
6th grade returns from Outdoor School
Cabaret Dinner Theater -- 6:00
District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage:
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