Friday, October 23, 2009

Riverdale High School Open House is Sunday!

Tell your friends.

Principal Newsletter -- October 23, 2009

Congratulations to our athletes!

Both the boys' Division I team and the girls' soccer teams are eligible for the playoffs again this year. For this next week this means that:
  • Our Division I Boy's Soccer will be hosting a semi-final game at the RGS field (Breyman Ave.) at 4:15 pm on TH 10/29 (they'll leave class at 3:10).
  • Our Girl's Soccer team will either: (1) travel to OES Mon., depart at 2:30 p.m. (released from class at 2:20), to play a 3:30 against their Green team
  • (2) host OES Blue at 4:15 p.m. (release at 3:10) for RGS field (Breyman Ave.)
We are excited to root them on as they seek to continue competing at a very high level! Come join us.

Halloween Parade News

The Halloween Parade tradition continues. At 2:00 students will have a chance to change into costume for a 2:15 kick-off time for the parade.

The route begins at Mr. Sternberg's 2nd grade room, snaking around the primary pod, up the stairs, and through the main hall, picking classes up as it moves along. It then moves outside, returning through the big double doors near the cafeteria. At that point the primary kids return to their classrooms on the left, and everybody else returns to their classroom on the right. Depending on weather, the best place to view will be outside on the playground.

Please help us by reminding students of these guidelines for costumes:
  • Save gory and revealing costumes for another venue please!
  • Weapons, even fake ones, are not appropriate.

Upcoming events:


12:00 PM - 3:00 PM GS - 3rd & 6th Gr FT - Tryon Creek State Park

8:40 AM - 9:40 AM GS - 2nd Gr. MAD Science: Decomposers - Rm. 38
10:05 AM - 11:05 AM GS - 2nd Gr. MAD Science: Decomposers - Rm. 34

4:15 PM GS Div I Boy's Soccer Playoffs Semifinals (RGS -- Opponent TBA)
4:15 PM GS Girls' Soccer @ OES* (or Monday)

9:00 AM District Athletic Committee Mtg @ HS
2:15 PM Halloween Parade @ Smith

* either/or, not both