Monday, January 17, 2011

Principal's Newsletter January 17, 2011

'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.'

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

There is little doubt that Dr. King's legacy extends far beyond the one aspect of his career that typically warrants our attention -- the one paragraph often allotted his legacy in our textbooks is devoted to his speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial. But, we humbly remember today why we are excused from school on this day each year.


This week we are blessed to have more PTC-sponsored opportunities to increase the power of one of our twin areas of focus: school culture. On Tuesday, thanks to the RHS PTC students in grades 5-8 will hear from Linda Criddle of Linda will be speaking with RHS and RGS students (separately) about Internet safety and protecting their online identity. She will be speaking with staff on Wednesday afternoon, and in the evening on Wednesday will address interested parents. In addition, Howard Hiton will speak -- thanks to our fabulous PTC -- on Thursday evening about supporting teenage boys.

Don't miss the RHS musical: Return to the Forbidden Planet!

And this coming weekend...who's up for some ping pong?

More coming events here.

*One of the most important things you can do to help us in the office this winter is to call, email, or both when your child is staying home ill. We start calling after attendance in the morning, but often get a message machine. Our number one priority is knowing all the children are accounted for and safe -- thank you!