It's Saturday morning and the halls are strangely quiet, especially relative to the barely bundled energy of the last few days of school. Steve, our amiable evening custodian did a remarkable job of dealing with the piles left on the hallway floor. In recent days I've been asked a number of times for updates, or for how folks can help in the packing and moving process.
Monday the 15th
The Conditional Use Process happens downtown. This is the presentation of the staff report compiled by the folks in the City and County offices in response to the District's Conditional Use Permit application. It is also the opportunity for testimony of folks who feel strongly about the new plans, one way or another. While that is going on, we'll be here working on report cards and beginning, in earnest, to pack our boxes.
Tuesday the 16th
The movers will be here, beginning in the library, and then moving from the far northern classrooms and working toward the South parking lot. Volunteer sheets are posted on most classroom doors and in the office area. We are wary about having young children (below current 5th graders) on campus at this time because of the presence of large recycling and refuse containers, moving trucks, and heavy boxes. Nonetheless, thanks to Leslie Mahler and Nicole Grayson, the playground will have some supervisory coverage to allow parents to help out if they wish.
Wednesday the 17th
Teaching staff last day -- this is the end of the packing portion of the move, and the last day we can have volunteers on-site.
Thursday the 18th and Friday the 19th
The movers will be completeing the removal of packed materials from teh buildings. The contractors will be here, in the main building, preparing for abatement to begin on Monday the 22nd. This includes the removal of lower cabinetry from the main building, to allow full access to the floor apces. This material will all be saved in order ot be sold or donated for reuse. It will not be safe for visitors, especially children, to be on-site these two days.
There is a mountain of unclaimed clothing items in the lost and found. we will spread it all out on Monday for claiming purposes, but it will be gone by Thursday. Please take a moment to swing by and grab your kiddos' hoodies and jackets!
Stay tuned for updates in the early summer. When I know, you'll know.