I thought it best to send out a notice with some updates on a number of programs, just to keep everybody up to speed as we prepare to close out the year.
- Calling all Site Councilors! We have two openings on Site Council for the next two years, and would love to have energetic parents involved. Please email me if you are interested in a two year membership.
- The athletic field at the Breyman site will be closed as of this Friday, the 28th. The fence will be moved to enclose the field, and work will commence on Tuesday the 1st of June. This is exciting news, even though our dog walkers will be displaced for a few months. The prospect of playing most of a soccer season (we likely will not have the field through September) on a properly draining/sprinkled field is pretty exciting.
- The kindergarten program for 2010-2011 has crystallized. We will have one section of kindergarten, beginning in the morning. All students enrolled in kindergarten will attend this section, from 8:40-11:40. Those students staying through the end of the day (electing Extended K for either 3 or 5 day options) will remain at school, but switch classrooms. These students will be with one teacher in the morning, and then Mrs. Lamb in the afternoon.
- We are hoping to offer Pre-K through Community Schools. Anybody interested in exploring the possibilities is invited to meet with Barbara Lamb and me this Thursday morning at 8:00 in the library at Smith. Obviously, a critical mass is necessary in order to make the program viable, but the change to offer the program in the morning half of the day is an attractive option to many families.
- Forecasting Night at RHS is tonight!
- Field Day fun will be part of the school day on Friday June 4. because of a scheduling conflict at Lewis & Clark, a handful of events will take place at school on the 4th in the afternoon, including the 7th/8th grade tug-of-war and class relays.
- Field Day proper begins VERY PROMPTLY at 8:30 at L&C on Saturday morning!
- Spring concerts. The primary concert is on Wednesday night, May 26th, at RHS! The 5-8 concert will be next Thursday, June 3rd, also at RHS.
- Math placement notices will go out this afternoon for rising 4th and 5th graders who qualify to test for advanced placement into "Math 3" and Pre-Algebra, respectively. These notices will go out by email today, May 25th.
- Parents of rising 1st graders are invited to a discussion on Wednesday, June 2nd, immediately after school, to collaborate on supporting next year's program.
- A rising 5th grade parent informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 8th, immediately after school. The purpose is to become familiar with the 5-6 program, and to get a sneak preview of what the following years will hold.
- The awards assembly will be held on Thursday, June 10th at 10:00. 8th graders depart directly thereafter. Promotion is that night, at 7:00 pm, at Mt. Park Church.