Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Principal's Newsletter 10/28/10

Halloween Parade Friday -- 2:15
  • Gather in the covered play area.
  • A reminder -- no weapons please, and students should change into their costumes at 2:00 rather than wear them all day.

Morning and Afternoon Logistics

We continue to make minor changes as we experience the new building, settle into patterns of use, and rethink early assumptions. Please note these changes:

  • All doors will open at 8:25. At that point, students are welcome to come in out of the cold. Classroom doors will open by 8:35; until they do students should gather in the breakout spaces, and/or access their locker.
  • At 8:40, the South and North entrances will re-lock for security purposes. At this point the East and West entries will be the available doors.
  • When leaving the South parking lot in a time of heavy use, please avoid making a left-hand turn. An alternative is to turn right, and loop around on 43.
  • *I have spoken with the contractor doing work on Military. They have agreed to stop work and allow free traffic flow between 8:30-8:40. (This is not work related to the bond, but a community-related water improvement.)

  • When leaving the South parking lot in a time of heavy use, please avoid making a left-hand turn. An alternative is to turn right, and loop around on 43.
  • The heaviest traffic in the afternoon comes at 3:30-3:35. If your schedule allows, please consider arriving five minutes later; the flow-through experience will be more enjoyable.

Athletics Updates
  • I want to congratulate the Lady Falcons Volleyball Team for a great season. The girls -- each of them -- improved this season, and had a wonderful time doing so!
  • Our girls soccer teams (blue and white) were incredibly patient as we experienced what can only be described as 'growing pains.' The blue team made the first round of playoffs, losing Monday night in the rain to OES 2-1. The white team nearly made the playoffs as well! (They were in a three-way tie for the last remaining playoff spot and ultimately did not make it.) I am proud of the way our girls played -- they very often had few substitutes.
  • The boys division II team also completed its season last week. They too nearly made the playoffs.
  • Our boys division I team plays at home tonight, against OES. With a win, they will advance to the finals, next Monday at Catlin Gabel at 6:15 (opponent TBA).
  • Speaking of playoffs, the RHS boys team is surely advancing. I know that it was a great time last Friday night at the Lewis & Clark stadium -- especially great to see so many community members and Grade School students cheering them on. Well, you're in luck...they play again this Friday night at 6:30 against Catlin at the L&C stadium, their last league game of the regular season.

From the 7-8 Leadership Elective:

Baby it’s cold outside!
Sock, shoe and coat drive benefiting the Janus Youth Organization

Riverdale Grade School
November 1st – November 5th

Dear Riverdale Parents, Teachers, and Students,

As students in the Leadership elective, there are many things we hope to accomplish for our school and community. We’ve chosen to devote our time to 4 organizations throughout this trimester that need our help. The first organization is the Janus Youth Organization, a nonprofit agency that provides short-term housing for Portland’s homeless youth. Janus provides comfort and resources for homeless teens ages 13-20 when they need it most. The group of student leaders in charge of this project have contacted Janus and found out, because of the season, they are in desperate need of new socks and gently used coats and shoes in all sizes. The week of November 1st Riverdale Grade School will begin collecting the above items. We are asking everyone to bring in a package of new socks - any type or size. We are also asking everyone to look through their closet for coats and/or shoes they no longer use. There will be donation bins in all classroom breakout areas and also in the Grade school’s entrance.

Thank you very much for your time,

The Leadership Elective

Winners of the PTC Fundraiser!

Top School Seller and winner of the IPod Nano Multi-Touch is 8th-grader, Brendan Edelson, who sold over $600 worth of gifts & cookie dough!

Top Classroom and winners of a Krispy Kreme Donut party is Mrs. Sager's 2nd-grade class

2nd place seller and winner of a $50 ITunes Gift Card = 3rd-grader Eli Davies

3rd" "" $25 ITunes Gift Card = 6th-grader Lindsey Stern

4th" " $20 Borders Gift Card = 3rd-grader Caroline Cohen

5th-8th place sellers and winners of UU Yogurt and Jamba Juice gift cards are KINDERGARTENER Scott Weiss, 4th-grader Carmen Quintos, 2nd-grader Isabelle Dawson and 1st-grader Tyler Griffith.

Coming Soon:


Tuesday (It's worth noting that picture retakes are on Tuesday.)




Math Competitions Opportunities

From Mr. Hershman, a number of math-related opportunities for students in grades 6-8:

Hi Parents! The year is off to a great start, and I wanted to add some Math Contest dates to your calendars. Please continue reading if you are interested in having your child compete in Math Contests this year, and let me know if you would like to help coordinate local contests for Riverdale students in addition to the dates below.

  • Tuesday, November 16, 2010. The AMC 8 (in class for all Algebra, Geometry students. Other interested students should get in touch with me and are invited to participate)
  • Week of January 13th. School Mathcounts Contest to determine school team for ...
  • Sometime in February, Regional Mathcounts Contest (10 Riverdale Students can compete).
  • Friday, April 29th, 2001: Pentagames. (9 students can participate, we will need a few parents to help drive students to and from the event)
  • Thursday, December 9th, 2010: Riverdale Winter

Our first contest, the AMC8, is an in-class multiple choice test. All Algebra and Geometry students will take it on Tuesday, November 16th, 2010. Students from other sections are welcome to take it as well. If they are interested, they will need to find a free period on the 16th to take the test. Please email me if your student would like to participate. Students from all over the world participate in the AMC 8; students who place in the top two percent have their names published in a book of recognition distributed across the world.

The next major contest is Mathcounts, a very rigorous, national contest. Mathcounts has not yet published the dates for the "Chapter" (Regional) contest. The Chapter contest must take place in February, and the State contest takes place in March. Students interested in Participating in the Mathcounts contest must compete in the School Contest which will take place the week of January 13th. We will conduct an Individual Sprint (40 minutes), Target (40 minutes) and Team Round (20 minutes). Students not enrolled in the Mathletics elective should seek permission of their elective teacher to attend Mathletics during that week.The top four students from this competition will invited to form the RGS team at the Chapter contest. The next six students will be invited as individuals to the Chapter contest. Individuals get to compete in all the same events as those on the school team. Only the students on the school team have scores which count towards our school total. The top team from the Chapter contest will advance to the State Contest in March. The top students at the state event will be invited to the National Contest to take place in May. Mathcounts is widely recognized as the premiere math contest for students at the Middle School level. Watch a video of the top students, and you'll be very impressed.

Pentagames is the last math contest of the year and this year, will be held on Friday, April 29th, 2011. Only current 7th and 8th graders are eligible to compete. The school team will consist of three seventh graders in Pre-Algebra, three eighth graders in Algebra, and three students who do not fit in either of the other categories make up the Open squad. Interested students will take a test and the top three qualifiers eligible at each level will form the Riverdale Team.

Pentagames often requires parent assistance to drive students to the event which is held on Friday. Students will miss one day of school, do lots of math, eat pizza, and have a great time!

We are looking to add a few more contests to the agenda. If you would like to help with the logistics, it would be great to host a Riverdale Fall and Winter Math Contest. It would be great to offer prizes and snacks. If you would be interested in helping coordinate a contest, please get a hold of me.