Thursday, May 21, 2009

Principal's Newsletter -- May 22, 2009

I write having had ample time to reflect on the value of our Field Studies program (five hours down to Ashland, six up to Camp Numanu the next morning). I cannot put it any more simply than this: it is the single best thing we do. Parents of younger students may not yet appreciate the value of these programs; I did not, though I'd been told time and again just what incredible experiences they provide for our children. This year I was able to visit each of the Field Study programs -- 5th graders in the Fall at Mt. St. Helens, 4th graders at Nate Creek Camp, 6th graders at Camps Adams and Howard, 7th graders at Numanu, and 8th graders in Ashland for the Shakespeare Festival. Three common denominators were evident throughout my visits:
  1. Students lose their shells. There's not much better than seeing a shy student drop his inhibitions, or a "cool" student let go for awhile. Friendships form in fertile new ground and self-realization abounds. I witnessed these beautiful transformations across the spectrum.
  2. It reminds us why we do what we do. The energy with which our faculty approach these experiences reveal their absolute passion for providing the kind of education you, in turn, seek for your children. They truly are dedicated to helping the kids discover all of themselves.
  3. People notice. At each of the field studies I overheard strangers, camp staff, or both, commenting on how polite, respectful, and genuinely interested our students are. It's great to know that others notice the same things I do.

The calendar below is absolutely full of events too important to miss but too numerous to narrate here. Please check out the coming week's calendar.

Cabaret was a wonderful addition to our year. I'd like to thank Mr. Mandis for filling his own shoes marvelously, and the dozens of folks who made the show happen! See below for an important announcement for parents of the players.
If you ordered a DVD of the cabaret show, your order is now available for pick up in the grade school office. (Or you may ask your child to bring the DVD home when he, or she, returns from Field Studies.)
If you haven't ordered a DVD, but would like to have a copy, here's how you do it:
Send a check for $15 dollars made out to: "Show and Tell Video"
You can mail the check to:
Dawn Marks Fisher
11020 SW Esquiline Circus
Portland OR 97219

If you have questions, you can reach Dawn at:
Fax 503.699.5050
Cell 503.997.3703
Finally, over the last two weeks we experienced an uncomfortable issue that, unfortunately, is all too common in schools. It appears that we were able to mitigate the effect of an outbreak of lice to large degree. Though, having said that, I imagine that families impacted by the obnoxious guests would beg to differ. I've received a number of requests for more clarity regarding our policies and practices around lice, as well as a great deal of feedback. I'll seek a bit more here. We are interested in reviewing our practices when it comes to dealing with lice and would like to invite you to email me with input you can be assured will remain private. In the coming weeks I will extend this to the broader scope of our work. I am interested in understanding the hopes and dreams this community holds for its school.

Again, please review the dates and times below for a thumbnail sketch of a big, if short, week.

The Coming Week's Calendar

Holiday -- schools and district office closed

budget committee meeting 6:00

Early Release 2:30
talent show rehearsal 2:30
immediate neighbor design meeting 7:00

2nd grade oceans event 11:00
talent show dress rehearsal 3:30
4th to 5th transition day 3:45
district athletic comm (RHS) 4:00
K-4 concert 7:00
RHS forecasting night 7:00

talent show 2:15

District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage: