The Scholastic Book Fair is next week, Monday-Friday, and each student will have the chance to earn books for the library with the One for Books fundraiser. Every dollar donated will go directly to the school library. In addition, Scholastic will match every dollar and donate that to a charity nationwide.
Starting on Monday, December 5th, each student can bring in the designated coins and earn books throughout the week. Each classroom or homeroom will participate in a class coin challenge, and coins will be collected and counted on a daily basis.
Each day a student can bring in:
- pennies on Monday
- nickels on Tuesday
- dimes on Wednesday
- quarters on Thursday
- any coin on Friday
In addition, each class will be rewarded directly with a new book from the fair for every $10 in class donations.
Starting the morning of Monday, December 5th, each classroom or homeroom will be given a One for Books donation jar to deposit their change and watch their donations grow. The jars will be picked up daily by 9am and given to the 2nd grade class for a coin count. If possible, please ask for student donations first thing in the morning. The 2nd graders will graph the donations, and the totals will be displayed in the hallway. The jars will be returned at the end of the day, for the next day's collection.