Student Achievement:
Eleanor V B - GOLD KEY Award for Poetry - Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
Her poem is below --
At nighttime, I like to think
Of rabbit-raced brambles
And heated midday dirt.
Blueberries tarter than going a day
Without seeing you.
I bled till raw,
I picked it pink.
And it hurt, and it hurt.
But I forgave the things I went through.
If you don’t remember, you must forget
Unequivocal stares
And boxed-in rain.
Cross-stitched knuckles folded
Under covers,
Our secrets piled
Like dust.
Everything I don’t want is everything that does.
Back-seat stories,
Spoken ghosts I created.
Split in two if you must,
But please, speak the words as we did.
Then when my water begins to rust,
And like you I brave my fears
The dirt is hot, the berries bright,
And we don’t disappear.