Sunday, February 12, 2012

a lovely poem, a former student

I am shamelessly stealing this post from Paula Robinson's RHS Principal blog -- a parent steered me in the direction. It is apropos because of something I've been feeling especially strongly as of late, affection for former students now attending the high school. Elanor's poem is just lovely.

Student Achievement:
Eleanor V B - GOLD KEY Award for Poetry - Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
Her poem is below --

Boxed-In Rain

At nighttime, I like to think
Of rabbit-raced brambles
And heated midday dirt.
Blueberries tarter than going a day
Without seeing you.
I bled till raw,
I picked it pink.
And it hurt, and it hurt.
But I forgave the things I went through.

If you don’t remember, you must forget
Unequivocal stares
And boxed-in rain.
Cross-stitched knuckles folded
Under covers,
Our secrets piled
Like dust.
Everything I don’t want is everything that does.

Back-seat stories,
Spoken ghosts I created.
Split in two if you must,
But please, speak the words as we did.
Then when my water begins to rust,
And like you I brave my fears
The dirt is hot, the berries bright,
And we don’t disappear.