Thursday, June 4, 2009

Principal Newsletter -- June 5, 2009

Boxes, boxes, everywhere.

Here's the scoop on the Grade School relocation project. We are preparing for a move to Smith Elementary School for the 2009-2010 school year. Movers will be on site beginning on Monday the 15th. We will be packing and preparing for our move on the 15th-17th (Monday through Wednesday) and the move will likely be completed by Friday the 19th.

In order to make this happen, we could use a bit of help.

  • I have asked teachers to create a sign-up for any volunteers they can use during specific time periods for Tuesday and Wednesday. These will be posted on classroom doors.
  • Other areas of focus are: the gym, music room, custodial room, and offices. These sign-ups will be posted in the main office area beginning on Monday the 8th.
  • Additionally, Leslie Mahler (bless her heart) has volunteered to help coordinate the effective use of volunteers. One important note is that, because of the condensed time-line, we will ask that young children (below current 5th graders) not come onto campus during this time. An exception to this is that Leslie will be coordinating supervision for children on and around the playground in order to allow parents to participate more freely.
  • Stay tuned for even more specific information on volunteer opportunities.

Next week, I will update on a great number of issues, including, but not limited to: Smith Elementary details, preliminary busing info for 2009-2010, summer-time elective choices for 7-8 students, classroom configuration thoughts, summer offices for Grade School administration, etc.

For now, let's celebrate the many accomplishments of our incredibly talented Class of 2009!

The Coming Week's Calendar

PTC End-of-Year Coffee 8:30
5th grade field trip -- Berry Botanic Garden
School Board meeting 6:00


Early Release 2:30
RHS Graduation 8:00

Grade School Awards Ceremony 10:00
Move-Up 2:00
Rising 7th Grade Informational Mtg 2:45
Promotion 7:00
Reception 8:30

Last Day of School: grades K-7.

District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage: