Volunteer with Lewis & Clark College’s International Students with the
Friendship Family & Community of Friends Program
The Lewis & Clark College’s Friendship Family & Community of Friends Program is looking for
local families or individuals (with or without children) to help international students practice their English skills and learn more about US culture and our way of life. Most of the students live on campus, where they spend much of their time with other students. You can help them experience American culture outside a campus environment and increase their real-world language skills.
We match English-language learners with Portlanders for occasional social interaction, friendship, and wider cultural understanding. Volunteers will learn something about a different culture and gain some new perspectives on our own culture.
What do the Volunteers and Students have to say about the program?
- The program is full of new experiences and great people.
- We have had a wonderful time…and hope to share Portland with more amazing students.
- They want to show us the values and traditions Americans have and help us accommodate more easily here.
- We volunteered to be a friendship family because we were excited for the opportunity to expose our children to other cultures. It has been fun for them. Our student became like
- a big brother to them and our family plans to visit him in his home country some day.
- It’s easy for me to spend the time with them like a true family.
The Friendship Family & Community of Friends Program is:
- Fun for you and your student. Any activity may become a lifelong memory.
- Inexpensive. You don’t need to spend money unless you choose to. Any activity will be new, different and interesting to your student.
- Enlightening. You will learn more about cultural similarities and differences than you expected and you'll help a young person get to know the US as we really are.
- A short-term commitment. Most students are here for one or two semesters.
- Not time-consuming. You and your student set the guidelines. A couple of hours once or twice a month is fine. You lead a busy life and so will your student.
For more information, please contact:
Laura Mundt, Friendship Family & Community of Friends Coordinator
Academic English Studies
Lewis & Clark College, MSC 125
Portland, OR 97219
e-mail: lmundt@lclark.edu
phone: 503-380-1778