The school year is off and running, and we all are seemingly running to keep up with it! In fact this has been the smoothest start to a school year in my four years, and I look forward to working to make that momentum continue.
For many families, this is the first month *officially* as members of the Riverdale community. But, in truth, because of the
Herculean efforts of our PTC, they became an integral part of it long ago. I have never witnessed such an effort to be invitational, informative, and welcoming as is the norm for our new families. And this transitional period keeps getting more and more smooth each year, thanks in large part to Minnie Cooper and Nicole Grayson (neither of whom will be happy to see their names here.) Nonetheless, they, along with all of those who volunteered to "captain" the welcome wagon at each grade level this year, make all the difference in the world for our new families.
But the PTC doesn't stop there. Buzz is building for the "new" (remastered)
Riverdale Fall Carnival, scheduled for October 2nd. Look for details soon!
I'd like to share a few details about an upcoming event --
Back-to-School Night is this week, on Tuesday night. We will hold two separate sessions this year, making it easier for families with children in multiple grade levels to hear from their respective teachers. The schedule is listed below. You'll notice that the sessions are very much intended to be a kind of curriculum orientation as opposed to a conference time. Questions about individual children should be reserved for conferences or an appointment in order to share all the relevant information.
One more quick note: out of respect for our neighbors, please refrain from parking on the East side of Breyman, and from using driveways to turn around.
The BTS schedule:6:30-7:05 Session I
7:25-8:00 Session II
In between the sessions, I welcome you to join us in the Commons for a quick get-together.