Steve Klein, Foundation President, writes:
The Riverdale School District Foundation has offered integral support for our outstanding students since 1993. Over the last few years, generous and sustained giving--in combination with the School Board’s sound fiscal management and long term planning--has allowed us to rebuild a contingency reserve and provide much-needed financial stability. At a time when virtually every school district in the state has cut programs, Riverdale continues to offer: personalized instruction with low student/teacher ratios, art, choir, band, second languages, library/media, computer labs and P. E. These programs have endured thanks to the $10 million in contributions community members have given through the Riverdale Foundation.The mission of the Riverdale School District Foundation is to cultivate and ensure educational excellence. Your children and their teachers benefit from a superlative level of support toward those aims, and the results can be linked directly.
There are only two items on this week's "upcoming events" calendar and both bear mention here as well. On Wednesday at 1:00 (just after lunch) we will be honoring all of our Fall athletes -- especially the 8th graders -- at an awards assembly held in the gym. And, in case you have not yet heard...the Division I boys' team is headed to the championship game this Monday evening at Catlin Gable. Please turn out to support the guys; they've worked incredibly hard to make it this far. So, too, have their coaches, Nels and Gavin. Congratulations!
Friday's Parade
It was refreshingly pleasant to see a Riverdale tradition like the Halloween Parade come off without a hitch at Smith. Many thanks to Ms. Brounstein and student council for organizing the event.
Halloween Help
Many of the athletes at Lewis & Clark volunteered to assist in efforts to ensure safety for our kids as they trick-or-treat this year. On Saturday night, please be sure to thank the "Pumpkin Patrol" volunteers wearing bright orange shirts and assisting with traffic, etc. down in the Riverwood area.
Bus Notes
Please remember to send your student with a note on days when they will be riding home with a friend or taking another bus. Calling the office to let us know is very helpful as well. Bus-hopping is contributing to overcrowding on at least one of the routes and with Fall athletics wrapping up we want to watch this.
Daylight Savings this weekend!
Upcoming events:
1:10 PM GS Fall Sports Assembly