Here is a photo -- not a Brian Black quality shot, taken with my phone -- of what we will see next year when we climb the central stairs to the main second floor landing. We are looking at the library, and at the river and Mt. Hood beyond. Thursday was the first time I was able to get up to the second floor, and I took advantage of the opportunity. It's very thrilling to be planning the learning spaces we'll be inhabiting next Fall. At the same time, we are all too cognizant of the challenge the students and teachers of Marysville Elementary in Portland face. On Monday, they will be moved to a new location. We had a summer to pull this off, and it was by an admittedly narrow margin at that. They have five days. Our student council is putting together a program to assist them collect supplies and materials by this next Friday. A collection box will be on site all week.
Nearly as exciting is the arrival of our first band and choral concert, to be held this coming Thursday evening at 7:00 at Riverdale High School. Each of our concerts will be held at the high school this year, and Mrs. Scholz and the 6-8 students have been practicing intently to prepare! I was just treated to a preview of the 6th grade choir, and can personally attest that it will be a wonderful evening.
Next week, we'll try to put a meaningful cap on an incredibly whirlwind first trimester.
Upcoming events:
9:00 AM GS PTC Meeting @ Smith
9:15 AM - 11:30 AM GS - 2nd Gr. FT - Winningstad Theater
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM GS - Winter Sports Info Night (Parents) - Library
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM GS - Kinder FT - Langelers House
7:00 PM - 6-8 band and choral concert @ RGS gym
End of First Trimester
2:45 - 3:10 PM Fall Sports Assembly - Gym