Sunday, February 27, 2011

Principal's Newsletter 2/27/11

Early spring is the traditional time for school districts all over the nation to hold their annual Vocal and Instrumental Solo/Ensemble Festivals. These festivals are for students who participate in school music
programs and who are motivated to compete against other music
students in a District-wide festival.

Students prepare a solo or ensemble piece and perform it in front of a professional adjudicator. The adjudicator gives the student comments and a rating, from I (the highest) to V (the lowest). When entering at the high school level, students can compete for a State title.

This year Riverdale Grade School has six students entering the District 14 Vocal Solo/Ensemble Festival held at Wilsonville High School on Saturday, February 26th. Participating are 8th grader Jenna P. and 6th graders Michael F., Genevieve K., Lucie K., Lindsey S. and Isabel P.

The District 14 Instrumental Solo/Ensemble Festival will be at
Newberg High School on Saturday, March 5th. Riverdale Grade School has 14 students entered: 6th graders Simon C., Charlotte F., Timmy G., Wade K., Suzanna L., Eric P., Derek S.; 7th graders Brian G., Jack H. and Liam O.; and 8th graders Cole B., David H., PJ H. and Julia P.
Coming Events!

(Including 6th grade hoops, Cabaret, field trips, etc.)