Friday, November 6, 2009

Principal Newsletter -- November 6, 2009

There are time when I find myself focusing on the administrative side of this work -- dealing with budgetary concerns and the like. And then there are other times, when I'm reminded of the substance of our work -- helping students develop themselves as people, as learners, and as part of a larger community.

One of the elements of our school that I am quick to share with parents and students touring with an eye to join us is the benefit of being a K-8 school. To be sure, our structure makes scheduling difficult at times. But relative to the opportunities provided by the availability of having middle schoolers mentor primary students in how to produce an effective presentation and communicate important ideas, any limitations quickly fall away.

Below I've copied in powerpoint presentations developed by two teams of students -- one from the 7th grade and another from the 2nd. Lisa Becker had the kids working together as she often does, and they created fantastic products. (In one case, two siblings chose to work together; the other is a meta-presentation, a "how-to" lesson in creating powerpoints.)

It's important for me to pause occasionally to celebrate the thinking and learning going on every day in our school. I hope you will join me in doing just that while viewing these projects.

Upcoming events:



All day event Holiday - Veterans' Day (Schools and District Offices Closed)

