Sunday, May 10, 2009

Principal Newsletter -- May 10, 2009

This is the 'hold onto your hat (and don't share it)' edition.

Hold on to your hat, because the event schedule is fast and furious. Between field studies, Cabaret, and Spring music concerts there are more than enough occasions to go around.

Don't share it -- your hat -- because we've experienced a bit of lice of late. We'll be doing some precautionary screening of heads in the office, but it's worthwhile to check your child's hair at home as well. With this obnoxious phenomenon it's best to stay ahead of the curve.

In more pleasant news, I had occasion to visit the fourth graders on their field study outside of Molalla on Friday, and am headed to outdoor school with the sixth graders on Tuesday. In fact, after spending a night with the fifth graders at St. Helens in the Fall I promised myself I would see each of the field studies personally. I have been impressed with a great number of aspects of the "Riverdale Experience," but none so much as with these programs. The thought, planning, and academic preparation that go into the field studies are -- truly -- beyond the pale. It is wonderful to see students rise to an occasion outside of the traditional classroom setting. Wonderful, too, to see our faculty engage students in a different setting. In these moments, everything I know about our school is affirmed -- that we value equally experience and academic rigor, that we provide safe environments in which our children can thrive, and that the development of relationship is elemental.

Cabaret fits nicely into this category as well. Mr. Mandis and the 7-8 Players have been working themselves to the bone to provide an incredibly high quality show. And they will! If ever I need a smile toward the end of a day lately, I walk into a rehearsal room and soak up not the sounds or sights, but the sheer energy of it. This weekend promises to be incredibly entertaining. If you need a smile, check out the energy (not to mention the sights and sounds) on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday nights. Thursday is a dress rehearsal -- only $3 -- and may well stop for a moment or two fro adjustments. Friday is for Mom and Dad and a handful of others, with dinner. Saturday night is the finale.

Third graders will play a role in the Zimbabwe Artist project on Monday, May 18th from 6-8:00 pm. One and all are invited to the reception. More to follow soon.

And, of course, Happy Mother's Day!

The Coming Week's Calendar

PTC General Meeting 8:45
School Board Meeting 6:00

3rd Grade field trip
Kinder field trip

Early Release 2:30
Cabaret Tech Rehearsal 5:00

2nd grade field trip
Cabaret Dress Rehearsal

1st Grade field trip
6th grade returns from Outdoor School
Cabaret Dinner Theater -- 6:00

District homepage:
Grade School homepage:
High School homepage:
Athletics schedules & information:
Foundation information:
Grade School PTC webpage:
High School PTC webpage: