Friday, February 27, 2009

Book Swap next week

In Celebration of Read Across America the library will hold our 2nd annual....

Riverdale GS
Book Swap
When: March 2nd-6th
Where: Grade School Library
How it works:
Every 3 book donations = ticket for a free book
and/or paperbacks just 50 cents or hardbacks $1
You may bring books starting Feb 27th (Friday)

What happens to the left-overs?
They go in our classrooms, the library and to Alder Elementary in the Reynolds School District
Questions: Contact Lisa Becker

NEA’s Read Across America

I promise to read
Each day and each night.
I know it’s the key
To growing up right.
I’ll read to myself,
I’ll read to a crowd.
It makes no difference
If silent or loud.
I’ll read at my desk,
At home and at school,
On my bean bag or bed,
By the fire or pool.
Each book that I read
Puts smarts in my head,
‘Cause brains grow more thoughts
The more they are fed.
So I take this oath
To make reading my way
Of feeding my brain
What it needs every day.
Words by Debra Angstead
Missouri-National Education Association
Reader’s Oath