It is an understatement to note that this was an incredibly emotional weekend. On Saturday afternoon many of you attended a memorial to celebrate the life of Susie Stageburg Keeton. We were reminded to embrace life, to be gracious and kind to one another, and to hold dear the moments we have with our families. Personally, my wife and I share the experience of so many people who have joined the Riverdale community in recent years -- Susie could not have welcomed us more warmly four years ago.
The PTC auction came later that evening, and, once again, I was blown away by the generosity of spirit and resources from which we benefit so much in our work with your children. The organizers pulled off a time warp worthy of Midnight in Paris (think: 1920's) and it seemed to me that a grand time was had by all.
This week two evening events are my main focus.
- On Tuesday evening, at 6:30, I will hold a parent informational meeting regarding classroom configuration. I'm really looking forward to the dialogue.
- Wednesday evening, at 7:00, our musicians in grades 5-8 will perform, with an added bonus project developed by Molly Scholz, her multi-talented husband, and Lori Peterson.
Finally, just a last note that this Thursday marks the end of the second term, with no school on Friday. 7-8 grade students will bring home elective selection sheets on Wednesday.