Friday, June 8, 2012
Lacrosse Success!
Principal's Newsletter -- 6/8/12
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Mr. K hard at work |
I really enjoyed being principal today I had a great time. I gave waffles to teachers in the morning and ate at Manzana for lunch. We gave a tour to two ladies and a man who had questions about Riverdale. I told them I love the school, but my commute is kind of long. He also showed me the roof, the boiler room, and the generator. Being principal sure is easy...
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Library News
June 8th All books due
June 5th 2:00-2:30 Jackie Rose children's librarian from the Lake Oswego library will present a promotion of the summer reading program and put on a puppet show to entertain our children.
June 11th Library closed for inventorying and clean up.
Looking for some terrific books to read this summer?
See book lists and the school library webpage.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Principal's Newsletter 5-20-12
Here's an update on our planning for primary multi-age configuration for the Fall.
On Thursday night I shared about our plans last night, alongside some really gracious and thoughtful folks from Corbett School District who talked about their own experience with the transition. The meeting was very positive -- we are really building some positive momentum toward the transition. My big take-aways from the Corbett team were:
- that the shift to multi-age provided the opportunity for a mindset change, away from thinking about children in terms of their grouping, and toward a vision of children as individual learners with unique pathways.
- that the focus should be on time for collaboration versus expected resources (the true resource needs will become apparent quickly).
- that the most difficult part of the transition in Corbett was allowing the adults processing time; the children responded beautifully.
- Our staffing is now set, with teams established for the kinder, 1-2, and 3-4 levels. We recently continued site visits, with Al leading tours of Corbett.
- The second full planning day for staffing is approaching: May 21st for the 3-4 team and May 30th for the 1-2 team.
- All further professional development time set aside for reconfiguration. Wednesday early release team is devoted entirely to planning: May 9, May 23, and June 6.
- Summer work sessions, to be defined by new Advisory Task Force
• It will be focused on the K, 1-2, and 3-4 programs
• Develop resource needs list and recommend admin/PTC supports
• Develop formal feedback loops for 12-13 school year
• Debbie Gorenstein and Michelle Sager will represent their respective teaching teams
• Michelle Janke, Christina Clarke, Elaine Lowe will be parent members
• Jeremiah and PTC President Heather Bogaty, as key communicators and resource providers
• Nanci Schneider, where appropriate
• Outcomes of meetings approved by administration and shared with teacher and parent body
• Invite input from Superintendent, NWESD, NW Regional Labs, and others
with experience and expertise in multi-age instruction
In addition, please keep an eye out for these pieces, coming before June 1:
Placement surveys (this week) -- we will be asking for input relevant to placement for the 2012-2013 school year.
"Day in the Life" & "Year at a Glance" documents showing curriculum outline and general day flow in multi-age rooms. These will give a sense of the way the school year will unfold. The purpose is to provide a clear and more concrete understanding of what the experience will be, from the child's viewpoint.
5-8 General Staffing Plan -- Many parents have inquired as to how the staffing at 5-8 next year will impact programs. We will be sharing a comprehensive staffing plan that articulates the general schedule for students for the 2012-2013 school year. I can share today that it will be based on the following tenets:
- Increased flexibility of assignment (teachers are 5-8, vs. 5-6/7-8)
- Increased quality, offerings of electives
- Increased multi-age emphasis, especially at 5-6
- Consistency of class size
- Focus on the value of common team planning time
- Return to seven period day, middle school electives at end to minimize impact of athletics on core academic courses
Friday, May 11, 2012
Principal's Newsletter 5-11-12
Learning "Targets"
Yesterday afternoon I escaped into the hills East of town to remind myself just how important the Field Studies program is. I know I am repeating myself here, but I just can't help it.
In three hours yesterday I saw: 6th graders catch and release a tiny lamprey, build a mock-up ecosystem to model the impact of deforestation, run through a salmon life cycle, engage delightedly with high school counselors, and -- yes -- get a bit homesick in a sweet and tired sort of way; and 7th graders eating peas porridge medieval gruel, making chain mail armor, building siege machines, launching arrows at targets, and play their hearts ot in a sunny meadow. This stuff is good for the soul! (The ticker and brain too;) The children at the ESD-run programs are cared for so incredibly well; it is really a remarkable thing to behold.
New Yellow Paint and Orange Vests
A huge shout out is due the parent volunteers who are making our drop off time safer and saner! Please help us out by noting the following changes.
Speaker Series Continues
Tuesday, May 15th, 7pm in the RGS Gym
- Lying
- Social Networking
- School
- Peer Pressure
- Sex
- Drugs
2012-2013 Staffing
The staffing arrangements for the 2012-2013 school year are in place. They reflect our configuration transition from mono grade classrooms in primary toward multi-age classrooms, and increased flexibility in the upper grades, including shared ownership of the program across disciplines and embracing the advantages of multi-aged groupings when possible. Changes in grade level reflect individual teacher professional desire to grow and develop, as well as my own judgement about the continued success of our program. We will have a seven period day in the middle school, once again, with a more robust elective selection at the end of the day. The teachers are thrilled to know their assignments and have already begun doubling down on planning for next year!
Very soon, you will receive a survey requesting input into the particular learning environment most conducive to your child's needs. It will focus on academic, social, and emotional needs, and will be limited to those categories in order that we can design balanced class lists for next year.
Primary Grades:
Preschool -- Barbara Lamb & Tammy Sutter
Full Day Kinder -- Jennifer Schulz
Half Day (AM) Kinder -- Leslie Charuhas
First and Second Grade -- Debbie Gorenstein & Pam Anderson
Third and Fourth Grade -- Lynn Evans, Sharon Whitehill & Michelle Sager
Fifth-Eighth Grades:
Brian Black -- English
Bill Mandis -- English
Todd Migchelbrink -- Social Studies
Jeff Robinson -- Social Studies
Dietrich Nebert -- Science
Jill Leve -- Science
Larissa Reece -- Math
Nick Hershman -- Math
Angela Dawes -- Spanish (ELL)
Leslie Charuhas -- PE
Nancy Helmsworth -- Art
Molly Scholz -- Music
Lisa Becker -- Literacy Specialist & Librarian
Lori Peterson -- Counselor
Sue Jonson -- Special Education
Cub Scouts Raise the Flags
Friday, March 23, 2012
Track Season is Upon Us!
Coaches Nebert & Brounstein
Track Information Website:
On the website you will find the schedule for the season, a printable registration form, and helpful links.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Principal's Newsletter -- March 9, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Principal's Newsletter -- March 5, 2012
- On Tuesday evening, at 6:30, I will hold a parent informational meeting regarding classroom configuration. I'm really looking forward to the dialogue.
- Wednesday evening, at 7:00, our musicians in grades 5-8 will perform, with an added bonus project developed by Molly Scholz, her multi-talented husband, and Lori Peterson.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Principal's Newsletter -- 2/20/12
It is that time of year again when children and adults are ill with signs and symptoms of colds, flu and other infections. This is an excellent time to remember some healthy habits that may help us stay well.
We have recently experienced an uptick in health-related absences, along with specific reports of viral illness. At school, we are responding by focusing on sanitizing typical contact points like door handles, drinking fountains, and table surfaces. We would love your assistance in reporting any concerning illnesses, in order that we can alert our school nurse.
Please take a few moments to go over the following information with your child:
Keep away from germs!
♦ Cover your cough!
♦ Use tissue instead of hankies when ill, coughing or sneezing.
♦ Cough or sneeze into the elbow bend of the arm if possible, or into the hands and tissue, then….. Wash those hands effectively!
♦ Effective hand washing is the number one way to keep germs from entering our bodies. “Effective” means using plenty of soap and water, scrubbing palms of hands, fingernails, around wrists and in between fingers and under rings for 30 seconds then rinsing and drying.
♦ Wash hands after recess or gym, before eating or preparing food, after using the restroom or blowing a nose, coughing or sneezing and after handling pets.
♦ Do not share food, drinks or utensils; hats, combs, coats or clothing; make-up, lip balm or other personal items.
♦ Do not touch the blood or body fluids of another person. Ask an adult for help.
You will be asked to take your child home if there is:
♦ Rash or unusual skin color or marks with or without fever
♦ Skin lesions or sores that are “weepy” fluid or pus filled or draining
♦ Fever of 100.5 degrees or higher
♦ Vomiting
♦ Diarrhea
♦ Colored (yellow/green) drainage from eyes or ears
Call your health care provider for any unusual or concerning signs and symptoms:
♦ Stiff neck or headache with fever
♦ Behavior changes of irritability, sleepiness, fatigue or complaints of illness with inability to participate in school activities
♦ Prolonged diarrhea (three watery or loose stools per day or last more than three days).
♦ Breathing difficulties
♦ Yellow color to skin or eyes (jaundice)
You may contact the School Nurse or the Principal if you have any questions about this
Parent Volunteer Opportunity
Sunday, February 12, 2012
a lovely poem, a former student
Monday, January 30, 2012
Ping Pong Results!
first: Claes J
second: Edward B
Grades 3-5:
first: Justin N
second: Grant N
Grades 6-8:
first: Connor F
second: Seb F
Adult Beginner:
first: Tugrul D
second: Lanelle F
Adult Intermediate:
first: Ajay D
second: Ben H
Adult Advanced:
first: Olaf J
second: Jodi F
Friday, January 27, 2012
Spirit Week!!!
What We're Working On
The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Principal's Newsletter -- January 13, 2012
This edition of the newsletter is going to read like a bulletin board I am afraid. There's just so much going on that I want to cover as many bases as possible.
Are you gearing up yet for the ping pong tournament? I am in serious training. (Art, I'm coming for you.)
In the past week I have thoroughly enjoyed watching our middle school girls and boys in their first basketball games of the season. Typically, games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I encourage you to come join in the fun. At this point, after a week of league play, each of our four teams already has a win under the belt.
It is helpful, every so often, to remind ourselves of safety concerns around the parking lot area. Please help the flow of traffic by remembering to approach the lot fro the north on Breyman, making right turns as opposed to left turns. Additionally, it is important to keep the entrance and exit as clear as possible for visibility. Thank you -- I really appreciate your assistance with this!
This coming Wednesday our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders have the opportunity to hear from a panel of Riverdale High School students. This is modeled on a very successful event held recently at RHS wherein recent graduates speak to current students about their college and university experiences. Anymore our students start their thinking so early that including 6th and 7th graders will hopefully give them a clear insight into what they can do to prepare for high school.
Remember that there is no school this coming Monday, and that we release at 12:05 on Friday!
The March 8th 5-8 concert is being moved to Wednesday the 7th.
Mr. Mig conducted the Geography Bee once again, and we have some students to honor: Donald R., Finn J., Connor F., Gavin W., Jordan M., Max S., Glenn S., Danny T., Kamron S., were the successful participants. In the end, our school winner was 4th grader Zack W.