Primarily, the afternoon pick-up situation is currently less effective than the morning drop-off. There are a number of reasons for this, and it really is only an untenable situation for a period of about 10 minutes.
- When picking students up in the afternoon please consider parking alongside the field if there is space.
- Please remind your child to keep a lookout for your vehicle so that the line-up can move along. (The line-up element is actually working quite well -- many thanks for not leaving your car!)
- At approximately 3:28 vehicles begin backing up into the street, in both directions. This presents the most potential for a dangerous situation. There is a solution which would assist: if you are driving Northbound on Breyman, please continue on and use the triangle intersection to come back to the Southbound direction, so that you can turn right into the lot. This way we will not have both lanes of traffic blocked.
- I have been out there quite a bit lately and our parents are showing a tremendous amount of patience -- I thank you for that!
A number of times I have seen our Boompa parking street-side because another vehicle is in the reserved spot. Of course, by definition she is far too gracious to say anything to me about it. Please honor the winner of this award (given to our classroom volunteer of the year annually, and named for ever-present ubervolunteer Dave Carlo -- "Boompa") by passing on this one spot, precious though it may be in the moment.
Finally, the driveway on the South side of the field has been blocked multiple times recently. This is disturbing to our neighbors, who are always so gracious about our heavy use of the field and for whom the construction year was not so fun.
I appreciate your assistance with these matters! Next time, back to celebrating our kids and teachers.