Many Riverdale students study the performing arts, both in and outside of school; we will celebrate and encourage those artistic endeavors on November 5th at the inaugural District Variety Show, "All Together Now." Students in grades K-12 are invited to audition and perform on our grade school stage. The audition swill be held on Thursday, October 20th from 3:45-6:00. Questions can be referred to this email address:
I want to thank the entire parent community for partnering with us for such a productive two days of conferences. We couldn't help but notice how many varietals of the cold are out there right now. We will speak with the kids at school next week about the importance of hand-washing, but if you could address it at home as well we will all be able to keep distance from the sniffles. Too, our PTC provided amazing meals to keep the teachers going these past two days -- thank you very much!
Finally, I'd like to encourage participation in the week's Superintendent's State of the District Briefing, scheduled for 7:00 on Wednesday evening. Dr. MacNamara began (or reinvigorated) this tradition last year and it is an important part of our community engagement process.