We chose to schedule our inaugural Sustainability Fair on Earth Day for a variety of reasons.
- The construction of the new school was grounded, from the earliest days, in principles of sustainable design. The original goal was certification by the U.S. Green Building Council as meeting the LEED Silver level award. We met Gold instead, which is a metaphor for the success of the project overall. We will celebrate this achievement with an assembly Friday morning at 9:00, as we launch the Sustainability Fair.
- We have chosen to use the building itself as a teaching tool; the Fair is a way for students to share their learning with one another and the community.
- This week is also "Screen Free Week." We love the concept of minimizing screen-time, both at school and at home during the week.
- It's a great way to cross-promote the Bike Drive happening this Saturday on campus!
Here are some details about the Sustainability Fair this Friday. Please plan to join us for a walk-through with your child's class!
- Friday the 22nd is a half-day for students. Dismissal is at noon.
- 9:00 all-school assembly in the Commons to celebrate the LEED Gold award.
- 9:30-10:00 -- K-2 Tours the Fair (in the gym)
- 10:00-10:30 -- 3-4 Tours the Fair (in the gym)
- 10:30-11:00 -- 5-6 Tours the Fair (in the gym)
- 11:00-11:30 -- 7-8 Tours the Fair (in the gym)
- 12:00 dismissal