We experienced, in the past week, disparate emotions. To tell the truth, the joy of the grand opening, while real and wonderful, is drowned out by the loss of one of our former students, RHS sophomore Tristan Schlesser.
None of us parents can imagine the grief his parents know, and there is nothing to say here that will assuage it in the slightest. I am, however, pulled to make two notes.
First, the incredible show of support evident at Thursday's memorial is a clear indication of the kind of community we hope will be ever-present in our schools. I was blown away by the number of students, families, and teachers who came to honor Tristan's life.
Second, a golden reminder to us all: Tristan's older brother spoke near the end of his memorial of our obligation to cherish each other -- not only one another's presence, but the time we share together. I was personally humbled by his words, and encouraged by his message.
We will miss Tristan very much.
Coming Soon:
*Parent conferences are just around the corner -- if you have not yet signed up, please swing by the office or call Betsy and Karen.