Hopefully we'll see each other on conference days. I know teachers are looking forward to meeting with you about academic progress and growth. Please note that the calendar was goofy this year -- we typically have conference days that do not bleed into the break in order to avoid complications with vacations and other family plans. This year we started early and this caused the rather close window. Some parents have asked to reschedule because of a family vacation. Our policy -- born out of experience with this issue snow-balling -- is not to do so, but know that teachers have in some cases made exceptions. K-4 students are invited to attend to review goals set earlier this year. 5-8 grades will be arranged in the same format. In the last two conference iterations we (parents and staff) have benefited from an increased awareness of time sensitivity. We would like very much to continue this success and appreciate your help.
Pre-K Story Time, designed to bring rising kindergarten students together in the school, is coming up quickly. The first date is Tuesday, March 30th at 2:45. Please help us spread the word!
Lost and Found -- we have a plethora of your cast-off coats, scarves, gloves, sweatshirts. They will be sorted by name (those will be distributed) and then on display during conferences for your review, and then donated to a worthy cause during the break. Please take advantage of the opportunity to find that missing coat!
Facebook -- Parents of older students with Facebooks, please consider having a detailed conversation with your child around the nature of an online presence, the slippery slope toward inappropriate content, and even consider reviewing the content of their Facebook. We are addressing school-related issues more and more, but a home-centered conversation would be nothing but helpful.
Milk Jugs -- Kindergarten will soon be building a gallon-jug igloo. Mrs. Sager would love to have your cleaned out discarded gallon milk jugs.