The art room is a staple on tours of prospective parents. You just know, walking in to the space, that this is a workshop in the truest sense of the word. From the beginning, from kindergarten, students are exposed to high quality artistic exemplars by renowned artists across a wide spectrum of media. By middle school, students self-select to focus on the visual arts in their elective periods.
Each year, Ms. Helmsworth works with 7th and 8th grade art students to develop pieces for entry into the awards. And, without fail, her work with our young artists is rewarded when they are recognized as being among the best and brightest in the country. Below are images five pieces, by four RGS students. Congratulations go to Noelle Foden-Vencil, Molly Fowkes, Gunnar Rosenburg, Corey Linver & -- of course -- Nancy Helmsworth!
Noelle Foden-Vencil Self-portrait -cut tyvec (cut paper) "Silver Key award"
Molly Fowkes - Tools - drawing-"Gold Key Award"
Gunnar Rosenberg -Pipes- drawing- "Honorable Mention"
Corey Linver - Knob - drawing- "Honorable Mention"
Upcoming events:
6:00 PM School Board Regular Meeting, HS Library
4:00 PM 6/7/8 Girls' BB game (away) vs West Hills Christian
9:00 AM GS PTC Meeting @ Smith (front foyer)
4:00 PM 7/8 Boys' BB game (preseason away) vs West Hills Chrisitian
8:40 AM - 1:30 PM GS - 8th Gr FT - Justice Center
4:00 PM 7/8 Boys' BB game (home @ RHS gym) vs Horizon