- This last week provided two opportunities to celebrate the ever-growing talents of our student musicians. On Monday night the 7-8 Jazz Band, led by Tim Bryson, performed alongside the High School Jazz Band. On Thursday the 5th graders made their debut at the 5-8 Music Concert, 6th grade band and choral groups performed, the 7-8 choir wowed the crowd with their ABBA medley, and the 7-8 band treated us to their talents. Both were amazing events. At last night's concert a neighbor leaned over to me and whispered, "We're lucky to have her," meaning Mrs. Scholz. He is absolutely right.
- On Thursday we also had the privilege to see the Jefferson Dancers perform. These pre-professional dancers are high school students attending a magnet school in Portland -- they devote six to seven hours a day to their craft, on top of their regular school work! It was as much an inspiration for staff and parents who attended as for children.
- The story of the 7/8 boys basketball team this year is something out of a Hollywood script. In order to make the payoffs they won four consecutive games, then won their first playoff game. In last night's semi-final they were ahead with less than two minutes remaining. The game slipped away, but the Herculean effort will last. We are incredibly proud of these guys, many of whom then boarded a bus to head straight to the music concert.
- This coming Thursday marks the end of the 2nd trimester. Unbelievable as it seems, we are readying for a second round of parent conferences. For those of you parents wishing to schedule a conference for the 12th or 13th please do so soon. After our last conferences I received considerable feedback that, while the format (of 5-8 conferences) is understandably necessary, in practice it has not always functioned properly. My assessment of this problem is that it is largely a function of keeping to the agreed-upon time limits for conversations with an individual teacher. We had some parents wait for as long as two hours without speaking to more than half of their child's teachers. I'll be asking faculty to curtail conversations in order to make things run more smoothly. This may mean a parent or teacher needs to request additional time at another date, something we are more than happy to oblige.
- In the upcoming district newsletter I will share about the development of this year's Cabaret experience, which will be contained (as far as practice goes) within the structure of the academic day, and will still allow students with serious interest in elective offerings like band and art to participate fully, but I wanted to mention just how excited we are to be producing another show!
PTC exec. meeting 8:45
Early Release 2:30
last day of 2nd trimester
no school
District homepage: http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/District/
Grade School homepage: http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/GradeSchool/
High School homepage: http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/HighSchool/
Athletics schedules & information: http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/Athletics/
Foundation information: http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/Foundation/
Grade School PTC webpage: http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/rgs_ptc/
High School PTC webpage: http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/rhs_ptc/